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Illustration 11 January 2024

CFP for a special issue of the scientific journal Aktualu rytoj / Relevant Tomorrow on the theme Europe. Capital. Transformations: Vilnius in the 19th-21st Centuries

Over the last 200 years, Vilnius has undergone major changes in its political status as well as social and demographic transformations: from a provincial city of the Russian Empire, to an administrative center under German occupation and provincial center of Poland, to the capital of independent and Soviet-occupied Lithuania and finally, to the capital of a EU member state. During this period, the composition of the Vilnius’ population and its identities have experienced many changes, as did the social and cultural picture of the city.

This special issue of Aktualu rytoj / Relevant Tomorrow ( invites to engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue on the various transformations associated with Vilnius, city’s origins, current situation and future prospects. It proposes to look at Vilnius as a dynamic process and to reveal its vitality.

We welcome proposals on the following topics:

  • Vilnius in the context of Western, Northern, Central and Eastern Europe
  • Vilnius during the historical upheavals
  • Vilnius and other cities
  • The urban and architectural development of Vilnius
  • Multicultural Vilnius
  • The names of the city: the people who have been creating Vilnius
  • Sacred Vilnius
  • Vilnius in art
  • Vilnius as an administrative, economic, political, cultural and scientific center
  • Places of memory and oblivion in Vilnius
  • Historiography and bibliography of Vilnius
  • Visions of the future of Vilnius
  • Vilnius and nature.

Please submit your abstract (max. 500 words) by email by February 29, 2024 to the issue’s editor, Dr. Ilona Strumickienė (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and the journal’s editor, Dr. Darius Žiemelis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to submit the final version of your article by April 30, 2024. For more information on the guidelines for articles, see