Children's Activity Centre
The Children's Activity Centre Žaisloteka (Toytheque) is a space in the National Library, where the parents who wish to use the library services may leave their young readers and explorers in the care of professionals. The service is free of charge.
Please read the rules of Žaisloteka:
- The service is provided exclusively to National Library visitors who work, study in National Library spaces, attend National Library events, or use other National Library services and have children aged between 3 (three) and 6 (six) years, inclusive. Children aged 0 (zero) to 2 (two) years, inclusive, can only visit Žaisloteka with their parents or guardians.
- A maximum of five (five) children may be in Žaisloteka at any one time.
- A child may be left in Žaisloteka during opening hours for a maximum of four (four) hours.
- Children must remove their shoes, socks, or other indoor footwear when entering Žaisloteka.
- Children are not allowed to bring food, drinks, their own toys, or other items that may cause damage to other children in Žaisloteka or to National Library property.
- The person accompanying the child may stay with him or her, provided that he or she is involved in his or her education. The person staying with the child is fully responsible for the child's care.
- Only quiet games may be played in Žaisloteka.
- Running, climbing on tables, windowsills, cubes, or any other undisciplined behaviour is not allowed in the toy room.
- All property in the Žaisloteka (toys, furniture, equipment, machinery, etc.) is the property of the National Library. It is the responsibility of the visitors to protect and preserve all property in the Žaisloteka. It is forbidden to break, destroy, etc. any property in Žaisloteka. The child’s adoptive parents (guardians) are responsible for any damage caused and for full compensation to the National Library.
- If Žaisloteka is hosting educational activities, only the children participating in the activities may be left in the care of a National Library staff member.
- Children with symptoms of illness (runny nose, cough, temperature, etc.) are not admitted to Žaisloteka.
- The person in charge of the child must make sure that the child’s medical condition allows him or her to be in Žaisloteka and to play with other children before leaving him or her.
- Parents, adoptive parents, or guardians must take their child immediately if:
a) symptoms of illness;
b) the child is crying and cannot be calmed;
c) the child does not listen to the National Library staff member who is supervising him or her.
- A child may only be collected from the toy library by the person who left the child.
- Please be advised that the child will not be fed in Žaisloteka.
- If a child visiting Žaisloteka does not obey the National Library staff member supervising him/her, or if he/she misbehaves, damages Žaisloteka’s inventory, or harms other children, and if these actions are of a repeated nature, the National Library has the right to refuse to accept the child.
- When leaving a child at Žaisloteka, parents or guardians must sign the Žaisloteka visitor’s registration logbook each time, which requires the child’s name, age, the phone number of the person who left the child, and the arrival time. The person responsible for the child guarantees that the information given in the logbook is correct and accepts full responsibility for any incorrect information given.
- If the parents or guardians of a child visiting Žaisloteka cannot be reached by telephone or refuse to come to pick up the child when contacted, the National Library has the right to refuse to accept the child.
- Visitors to Žaisloteka must comply with the provisions of these rules. Ignorance of these rules does not exempt the library from liability.
Opening hours
- Mon-Thu 10.00–19.00 (Lunch break 14.00 - 14.45)
- Fri 10.00–16.45 (Lunch break 14.00 - 14.45)
Contact info
Žaisloteka is located in the Children and Youth Literature Department of the National Library, on the ground floor at Gedimino ave. 51, Vilnius.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. +370 5 239 8676.
We are waiting for you! Let's grow together!
1st floor