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Paid services

The services described are available in the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Gediminas ave. 51, Vilnius, unless the Location field indicates otherwise.

Issue of reader’s cards
The Information and Registration desk (2nd floor)

In order to obtain a reader’s card, please present an identity document.

To get a discount applicable to students, schoolchildren, pensioners or people with disabilities, please present the appropriate document (student card, pensioner’s or disabled person’s card).

The applicant is required to fill in and sign a registration card.

Price, EUR

Reader’s card – EUR 3.60

Discount of 50% applies to (EUR 1.80):
• Students of higher and further education institutions, colleges, etc.
• Schoolchildren over 16
• pensioners
• the disabled

Pre-school children and schoolchildren under 16: EUR 0.72

School-age orphans and children from children’s homes: free of charge

Location Portal www.ibiblioteka.lt 
Procedure Once you order a reader’s card at www.ibiblioteka.lt, it will be mailed to the address indicated in the order form. You can also collect your reader’s card in the National Library.
Price, EUR

• When collecting in the library: EUR 1.60
Pre-school children and schoolchildren under 16: EUR 0.52
• When mailed: EUR 2.30
Pre-school children and schoolchildren under 16: EUR 1.12

Photocopying, printing, and scanning of text/visual documents*
Photocopying documents from microforms
Location Media Reading Room (2nd floor)

Documents are photocopied by a Reading Room employee.

Copies are issued once payment for the services has been made.

Price, EUR • A4 size: EUR 0.07 
Self-service photocopying, printing, scanning

Information and Registration Desk (2nd floor): user registration and virtual account top-up

Self-service machines: 1st floor (Children and Youth Literature Reading Room), 2nd floor and 3rd floor.

Palanga Summer Reading Room, Vytautas str. 72, Palanga (summer months only)


Photocopying / printing / scanning services are provided using multifunctional self-service machines. The services are available to registered library users who can access the machines using their reader’s card ID (scanned by magnetic card readers), while library guests can access them using PIN codes issued to them. User registration, issue of PIN codes and account top-up are performed at the Information and Registration Desk, 2nd floor. A virtual account is opened for users for them to be able to use self-service machines.

Price, EUR

Black and white copies:
• A4 size: EUR 0.09
• A3 size: EUR 0.18
Colour copies:
• A4 size: EUR 0.13
• A3 size: EUR 0.26
• A4, A3 size: free of charge

Copying of documents from microforms using a self-service microform reader/scanner

Information and Registration Desk, 2nd floor: entering of a password.

Media Reading Room: microfilm readers/scanners.

Self-service machines: 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor.
Procedure The service is open to all library visitors. Accessing the microfilm readers/scanners requires a password to be entered by the staff member of the Information and Registration Desk. The scanned information can be copied to a USB flash drive, sent via email or printed using self-service printing machines.
Price, EUR  The prices specified under “Self-service Photocopying, Printing and Scanning” apply to this service.
Copying of microfilms
Location Document Conservation and Restoration Unit of the Information Resources Department
Procedure The service is provided after receiving a written order and can be used by individuals or institutions based in Lithuania or foreign countries. The service is provided subject to payment of an advance invoice. An original microfilm is then taken to a laboratory for photocopying. The client receives a copy by post provided the client has paid postage charges; the client can also collect the copy from the National Library’s Information and Registration Desk, 2nd floor.
Price, EUR  • Price per frame: EUR 0.32
Photocopying and scanning, where the service is provided by library staff
Location Information and Registration Desk (2nd floor), Palanga Summer Reading Room, Vytautas str. 72, Palanga (summer months only)

The delivery deadline is agreed on an individual basis.

The services are provided once an advance payment has been made.

Price, EUR

Black and white copies:
• A4 size: EUR 0.17
• A3 size: EUR 0.34
Colour copies:
• A4 size: EUR 0.21
• A3 size: EUR 0.42
• A4, A3 size: EUR 0,09

Scanning of rare, unique documents
Location Rare Books and Manuscripts Reading Room (5th floor)

To ensure protection against the adverse physical effects, restored documents, old books, photo-documents, manuscript documents, old periodicals published/written before the 19th century (inclusive) may be digitised only.

Only the documents that are in good condition may be digitised.
The documents are scanned by the employee of the Reading Room and the files are copied to the reader’s storage device.

The services are provided once payment has been made.

Price, EUR

Prices of the digital copies depend on the age of the original document:

• Documents of the 15th–16th century: EUR 6.00
• Documents of the 17th–18th century: EUR 4.00
• Documents of the 19th century: EUR 2.00

* Price per one copy of a page. Photocopying, printing and scanning must be carried out in compliance with the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Lithuania.

Copying sound recordings*
Copying sound recordings from digital or analog media (shellac, vinyl records, tapes) to digital media
Music and Visual Arts Reading Room (5th floor)

The services are provided in accordance with the Procedure of the Copying Services of Audio Documents.

The services are provided after filling in the application and paying for the services.

Price, EUR

The price depends on the length of the recording being copied.
From digital media to digital media:
• up to 10 minutes: EUR 0.50
• from 11 to 30 minutes: EUR 1.00
• from 31 to 60 minutes: EUR 2.00
• from 61 minutes: EUR 3.50
From analog media to digital media:
• up to 60 minutes: EUR 7,00
• from 61 to 120 minutes: EUR 14.00

* Photocopying, printing and scanning must be consistent with the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Lithuania.

Drawing up lists of bibliographic references according individual requests
Drawing up lists of bibliographic references
Social Sciences Reading Room (3rd floor), Humanities Reading Room (3rd floor), Music and Visual Arts Reading Room (5th floor).

Lists of bibliographic references are drawn up based on an individual request or for commercial purposes.

Information is collected from the National Library sources (databases, card catalogues, bibliographic and other publications, internet) and checked de visu.

Topic and scope of the list as well as its delivery deadline and form are to be agreed on with the staff member of the reading room (department) by filing out a free request form.

The list is delivered printed on paper or saved to the user’s storage device.

The services are provided once an advance payment has been made.

Price, EUR

Price per 1 bibliographical entry:
• Resources of the National Library: EUR 9.30
• Resources of the National Library’s database and databases subscribed to by the Library: EUR 2.80

Developing custom educational programmes and courses within the scope of library services and specialist internships at the library
Internships for specialists
Document Conservation and Restoration Division of Information Resources Department

Internships are organised upon receipt of an official letter of the institution sending its employee for internship specifying the purpose, duration, preliminary time of the internship and the name, surname, position and qualification of the trainee.

Having received affirmative reply regarding the internship, the institution issues a guarantee letter for payment to the National Library.

At the end of internship, National Library issues VAT invoice and presents it to the trainee or mails it to the institution.

Price, EUR

Price, VAT excluded:
• one-day internship: EUR 30.00

Sending documents from other libraries
Sending documents from Lithuanian libraries
The Information and Registration desk (2nd floor)

The service is organised via the Interlibrary Lending Department (ILD).

ILD Service Agreements are signed with the ILD (libraries). ILD subscribers pay for the service under an invoice issued by the National Library.

ILD subscribers (readers) pay for the service once the documents are received.

Price, EUR

Sending 1 document: EUR 0.30 + postage costs (postage costs depend on the parcel weight; fees of Lietuvos Paštas (Lithuania Post) apply)

Sending documents from foreign libraries
Location The main information desk (2nd floor)

The main information desk (3rd floor)Payments to foreign libraries are made under the issued invoices.

The ordered documents are handed over once payment for the service has been made.

Price, EUR

• Sending a document: EUR 0.30 + postage costs (postage costs depend on the parcel weight; fees of the relevant foreign post offices apply)

• Lending a document from the National Library’s collection to foreign libraries: EUR 8.00

• Photocopying a document/article from the National Library’s collection for foreign libraries (up to 20 pages; A4 size): EUR 8.00

Payment for the services can be made in cash or by IFLA vouchers:
• 1 IFLA voucher: EUR 8.00
• 0.5 IFLA voucher: EUR 4.00

Up to 10 additional pages: 0.5 IFLA voucher.

Barcode stickers for document copy identification
Information Technology Management Unit

The service is provided to libraries on the basis of requests sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications are stored in the Information Technology Management Unit.

Once the order has been processed, the IT Service Unit shall issue an advance invoice and send it to the customer by e-mail.

Once the service has been paid for, the Accounting Unit of the National Library issues a VAT invoice and submits it to the customer.

Price, EUR

The service is subject to VAT.

The cost of printing barcode stickers to identify a copy of a document shall be calculated in accordance with the following methodology.

Buying printed publications issued by the National Library
Location Information and Registration desk (2nd floor), Publishing Department (5th floor, Room 524), telephone (8 5) 263 9111.
Registration, ISSN and barcoding of continuing resources and other serial publications
ISSN Lithuanian Agency, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Division of Bibliography and Bibliographic Research, Department of Library and Bibliographic Research
Price, EUR

Unit price (without VAT):

  • ISSN assignment – EUR 80,00
  • ISSN assignment for electronic publication – EUR 25,00
  • barcode calculation or conversion – EUR 35,00
  • re-registration of a publication with another publisher – EUR 40,00
  • ISSN assignment and barcode calculation – EUR 115,00
  • ISSN assignment for a book series – EUR 40,00

Urgent service within 1 working day:

  • unit price x 1,5
Assignment of ISBN and ISMN numbers and barcodes for books and music publications
Location ISBN and ISMN Lithuanian Agency of the Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Division of Bibliography and Bibliographic Research, Department of Library and Bibliographic Research
Price, EUR

Price per ISBN, ISMN number, barcode (excluding VAT):

  • provision – EUR 5,66
  • urgent, within 1 working day – EUR 8,49
  • registration of a new ISBN, ISMN publisher – EUR 20,60
Live broadcasts
Organising live broadcasts
Communication and Marketing Department

Orders are accepted by the National Library’s employee organising live broadcasts; orders should be e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Agreements are signed with the customers. The topic of the broadcast must be linked to the mission and goals of the National Library.

Live broadcasts take place in Lithuanian public libraries, while recorded material is published on Youtube account of the National Library (and on the Library’s website or social networks, if necessary).

Price, EUR

Price, VAT excluded:
• 1 hour broadcast: EUR 260.00

Marketing and Intellectual Services Unit of the Communication and Marketing Department. Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone: (8 5) 239 8522, +370 683 44 756

Service requests are accepted together with an application form. A contract is signed with the client for the organisation and provision of the service. In the absence of a contract, the estimated cost of the organisation and service will be agreed with the client and an invoice will be issued for payment in advance. In the absence of a contract, the services will only be provided after payment in advance by the client.

For more information on the National Library’s rental space, please click here.

Price, EUR

The price of the service is calculated for each event individually according to the needs of the customer and taking into account the expected costs. Salary costs are calculated in accordance with the salary set for the position of the person serving the event. Other costs shall be calculated on the basis of their actual cost.

Recording Studio, 5th Floor, Room 509. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information please click here.

Price, EUR
  • Sound recording service – price is calculated according to individual needs
  • Audio editing service

1 hour – EUR 23,39 (excluding VAT)

  • Audio editing service

1 hour – EUR 23,39 (without VAT)

Communications and Marketing Department, Public Relations Unit. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rules for Photography/Filming in the National Library.

The service is provided upon completion of an application form. Please send the completed application form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more information click here.

Price, EUR

Photography in the common areas of the Library:

  • for non-commercial purposes – free
  • for commercial purposes

1 hour – EUR 50,00 (without VAT)

Filming in the common areas of the library:

  • for non-commercial purposes – free
  • for commercial purposes

1 hour – EUR 100,00 (without VAT)

  • for commercial purposes: large-scale filming operations requiring restrictions on visitor movement or filming in service areas or reading rooms

1 hour – EUR 400,00 (excluding VAT)

*If the photography/filming is to be carried out in the Library’s rented premises, the National Library’s approved rates for short-term room rental apply in addition.

Marketing and Intellectual Services Unit of the Communication and Marketing Department. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 8 675 70591

For more information click here.

Price, EUR

1 month – EUR 150,00 (without VAT)

Information and Registration desk (2nd floor)

The price for the sale of souvenirs shall be fixed by a separate order of the Director General of the National Library