Telefonas Klaustukas Sitemap
Illustration 30 May 2024

Exhibition “Krasnucha. A District That Doesn’t Exist?”

Savanorių Avenue curves through the southwest part of Vilnius and eventually crosses the city border. Before entering the centrifugal maze of the roundabout, the road passes through a short but distinctive stretch called Krasnucha. How many locals or visitors have heard this name but have never felt the need to stop, look around, and explore what the facades of buildings and beliefs conceal?

Krasnucha does not exist in official documents, addresses or election ballots. When asked, everyone defines a different perimeter around the district – as well as the atmosphere. Therefore, for this exhibition we chose to settle between V. Pietaris, Žemaitė, Naugardukas, Tūkstantmečio, and Geležinio Vilko streets. However, it is not the streets, but the collective and individual experiences of the residents, the specific communities, and the living memories that create and sustain this area. Though they are not unambiguous either.

‘I wasn’t a Vilnian, I was a Krasnucha,’ says Evaldas, who grew up in the district and later moved away. Krasnucha exists as long as there are people who remember it and live it.

The exhibition invites you to depart from the main thoroughfare – Savanorių Avenue – and, guided by the words of locals, historical material, and artworks, journey through different periods and changing forms of the district’s backyards. And then you can experience them directly – the exhibition is complemented by a specially designed self-guided walking route.

Krasnucha. The District That Doesn’t Exist? continues the Vilnius Museum’s series of research and exhibitions dedicated to supposedly uninteresting districts of Vilnius (the first exhibition Maybe to Viršuliškės? invited to explore the district of Viršuliškės). In 2023, students from Vilnius Jonas Basanavičius Gymnasium participated in the Vilnius Museum’s educational project. It concluded with an exhibition titled Stories from Krasnucha, curated by the students.

Information at the exhibition is provided in Lithuanian, English, Polish, and Russian languages. We have also prepared special maps for independent walks in these languages.

The premises for the exhibition were provided by the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library


Curators: Goda Aksamitauskaitė, Albertas Kazlauskas

Architect: Tomas Valentinaitis

Design: Laura Grigaliūnatė

Consultants: Živilė Miežytė, Povilas Andrius Stepavičius

Translators: Erika Lastovskytė-Fritolli (EN), Paulina Ciucka (PL), „e-vertimai“ (RU)

Editors: Dangė Vitkienė (LT), John W. Fail (EN), Anna Mirkowska (PL), „e-vertimai“ (RU)

Technicians: Kazimieras Sližys, Stanislovas Lučunas, „Spaudos idėjos“

Audio guide with audio description: Živilė Miežytė

Consultant: Laura Martinkutė

Voice: Agnė Šimkūnaitė

Briefly about the exhibition

25 May – 28 July
Gerosios Vilties str. 10, Vilnius
Vilnius museum
More information