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14 June 2016

Contribution of the National Library to the Venice Architecture Biennale

The ongoing Venice Architecture Biennale has a Baltic pavilion, where the National Library is represented by a small, 40-page methodical book “Moving Whole Wooden Farmhouses from Farmsteads to Kolkhozes” (“Neišardytų medinių trobesių perkėlimas iš vienkiemių į kolūkių gyvenvietes”) by V. Grincevičius and J. Mikuckas, published in 1954 by the State Political and Academic Literature Publishing House.

Organised since 1980, the Venice Architecture Biennale is one of the major modern architecture events in the world. Lithuania is participating in this architecture exhibition for the first time. The project The Baltic Pavilion was prepared by a joint team of Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian architect coordinators and Lithuania is represented by the Architecture Fund. 

More about Venice Architecture Biennale: