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6 December 2016

National Library is opening a Music and Visual Arts Reading Room

Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania is keeping its promises to the visitors and on 7 December will open a door to the world of sounds and arts – Music and Visual Arts Reading Room.

This new space will be open to both professionals and amateurs. The Reading Room will provide information resources in the field of humanities and will be equipped with a variety of hardware and software, i.e., encyclopaedias and books on music, art, design, architecture, scenic design, photography, theatre, cinema, and dance, a collection of sheet music, audio and video editing software, and equipment for playback of vinyls, tapes, CDs, and videos. Having picked their favourite sheet music, the visitors will be able to play it on the silent synthesizer with headphones and thus, improve or brush up their skills or simply relax. If you need any help, feel free to ask information search consultants.

The Reading Room will be open from 8.00 to 21.00 on business days and from 10.00 to 18.00 on weekends.

Music and Visual Arts Reading Room provides knowledge as well as experiences. Visit us today and we promise more pleasant surprises in the future.