Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
15 December 2016

The head of the National Library was awarded the Ministry of Culture Prize 2016

On 15 December, nearly twenty Ministry of Culture Prizes were awarded to creators and cultural figures for merits in the fields of cultural education, national language and literature, librarianship, cultural, academic and project activities, dissemination of tradition, photography, restoration of art, etc.

“A true man of culture and art finds it very difficult to evaluate themselves, because they tend to remain more distant, avoiding competition with others, and do not seek appreciation. They simply do their creative work, which often remains unnoticed and unappreciated. I am particularly pleased that upon taking up my duties as the Minister of Culture, I have an opportunity to congratulate the bearers of light of culture and art,” said the Minister of Culture Liana Ruokytė-Jonsson congratulating the laureates.

One of the laureates was Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, Director General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. The Minister of Culture Ms. Ruokytė-Jonsson thanked Mr. Gudauskas for research in librarianship, bibliography, and bibliology as well as for practical activities organized in the libraries and presented him with the prize and diploma. Director General of the National Library was selected for this award by the experts of the Library Council of Lithuania.