Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
20 December 2016

Documentary Heritage Research Department Established at the National Library

On 19 December, Documentary Heritage Research Department launched its activities at the National Library. The department comprises three divisions:

  • Rare Books and Manuscripts Division;
  • Judaica Division;
  • Lithuanian Studies Division.

The purpose of the Department is to ensure consistent development of applied research of documentary heritage (publications and manuscripts), coordinate and implement research-based educational and information projects, and take care of the accounting, research, dissemination and preservation of manuscript and published documentary heritage.

In its activities, the Department will seek close cooperation with both internal and external partners (state and foreign institutions protecting cultural heritage, scientific institutions, cultural research centres and public institutions) to develop Lithuanian, Judaica and interdisciplinary cultural research. Special attention will be dedicated to documentary and digitised heritage of the National Library as well as ensuring consistent dissemination of the results within the state and abroad.