Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
28 March 2017

The Art Lab invites you to meet people, learn and experience new things

The reconstructed National Library invites its visitors to benefit not only from the usual library services and functions, but also a variety of multifunctional spaces which allow enjoying creative as well as educational activities that promote communication. We are happy to introduce yet another space – the Art Lab, where the users can choose from a wide selection of creative activities.

The atmosphere in the Art Lab makes it possible to leave the usual surroundings and routine behind, offering opportunities to release creative energy, share one’s art with others and discover art created by them. We will use this space to organise meetings with artists, professionals of art history, theory and criticism, educators, curators, culture managers, publishers and other specialists of different fields of culture. We invite you to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in diverse cultural exchange and enjoy first-hand creative experience. This time, we encourage our visitors not only to participate, but to initiate these activities as well.

We are open to people with different experience levels, backgrounds and age groups, professional artists and amateurs, educators in the field of art, art therapists, young people who are part of the academia – everyone willing to learn more about the world of art and to discover and develop their creative powers.

We seek to create favourable environment for your creative expression making it possible to discover both traditional and contemporary cultural phenomena, expand the limits of perception and communicate. We hope that the Art Lab will become a unique place to learn and serve as a source of creative inspiration for many of its visitors.

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