Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
24 March 2017

The Music Lab is already open for rehearsals

We are taking another step forward and leave behind the traditional image of a mute and rather austere library. No looking back: the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania invites you to enjoy our newly equipped Music Lab open to those who play, write or wish to learn more about music.

The Music Lab is designed for rehearsals or musical improvisations, learning, playing music and organising meetings of music enthusiasts. The space can be used to play individually or in groups using various acoustic and electric instruments. A piano, guitar cubes and microphones await your inspiration here. The Music Lab offers opportunities to have a great time and improve your skills – you can record and listen to your own rehearsals. We are planning to organise thematic meetings, lessons and lectures here, introduce new publications on music and hold concerts.

Feeling eager to play, but have no ideas for the piece? Use sheet music publications stored in the National Library to put together your own repertoire. Do you feel like you lack knowledge? Find help in music history and theory publications. An extensive collection of vinyls also offers creative ideas.

We look forward to your visit – do not let the dust to set on the equipment: make it dance to the sound of your music!

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