Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
21 March 2017

New professionally equipped Recording Studio has opened its door in the National Library

From now on, our visitors have even more opportunities for their creative expression: would you like to record a song, present to a friend an audio book recorded with your own voice, record your own texts, poetry or other creative work? Do you play any instrument? Do you play alone or in a band? Would you like to make a professional record of an album or a song? The National Library makes it all possible.

The Recording Studio offers sound recording, editing and mixing services. You are welcome to record music of any genre or style – from vocals to piano. We are also planning to use the Recording Studio for educational programmes and educational meetings, where visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about the music industry, sound recording processes and get practical experience of creative industries getting a new understanding of the relationship between a man and sound.

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