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20 June 2018

Discussion on report of IFLA Global Vision project

On 20 June, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania hosted a meeting-discussion, initiated by the National Library’s branch of the Lithuanian Librarians’ Association (LLA), aimed at discussing the report on the IFLA Global Vision project.

The increasingly stronger currents of globalisation are changing established principles of library activity and posing new professional challenges. A unifying global network of libraries could help libraries overcome these challenges successfully and find suitable responses to a changing environment. It is with this purpose in mind that the IFLA Global Vision project is being implemented, involving thousands of library-related specialists from all over the world in the process of creating a vision for the future of libraries. With a view to bringing together specialists from the field of librarianship in order to address the common challenges of the future, IFLA organises meetings, practical training sessions and remote discussions led by librarians of different nationalities.

During the meeting, Jolita Steponaitienė, chairwoman of the LLA, shared information about an IFLA Global Vision meeting that will be dedicated to the the European region. Participants of the discussion, members of the LLA of the Vilnius Region, discussed and commented on the most important points and possibilities of the Global Vision report, shared their experience and looked for possible solutions together. A summary of the ideas discussed during the event was submitted to the IFLA Global Vision team, which will announce an action plan at the beginning of next year that will, hopefully, ensure the future prospects of libraries as institutions.

More about the Global Vision project ›