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12 September 2018

The National Library Prepares to Commemorate its 100th Year Anniversary and Presents its Representation Video

An important year approaches for the National Library’s community: the library will soon mark its 100th year anniversary.  In preparation to commemorate its centenary in 2019, today the library publicly introduced its new representation video.  The video was screened today to the entire library community during the lunch break. 

At the meeting, Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, Director General of the National Library, thanked the team who created the video for their professional work and pointed out that this short creative piece conveyed the meaning and essence of the upcoming anniversary. “For us, this video is an important part of the context for commemorating our 100-year anniversary.  I am happy to announce that the participants of the international IFLA conference in Malaysia were among the first ones to be informed through this video about the anniversary of the National Library of Lithuania to be celebrated in 2019, and the events and activities dedicated to the occasion,” Director General said. Prof. Dr. R. Gudauskas added that the video presented at the annual meeting of the Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL) received positive feedback and was praised as an example for others.  

During the meeting with the library community, Antonio Bechtle, the co-creator of the video and co-founder and creative director at Clandestinos agency, said it was an honour for him to work for such an important institution and that he was proud of the work that he and his team had done. “When creating this short story, our goal was not only to portray readers as a separate human species but also to encourage all people to join to the readers’ community and at the same time to demonstrate how the library is evolving along with the reader.  Thus we organically came up with the main idea for the video – 100 years a readers’ sanctuary.  All we had to do was to convey this story through images and cinematography,” the co-creator of the video said.  

The original soundtrack for the video was created by Victor Villavisencio, a well-known film score composer from Peru.

The National Library attracts an average of over 1,200 visitors a day. Lithuania has a thriving national memory preservation institution which is dedicated to the mission entrusted to it, i. e. to be Lithuania’s knowledge space that creates value to society, and to act as the custodian of the National Archive Collection of Published Documents. We invite everyone who consider themselves as a member of the readers’ species to join the library community, to become a part of its family, and to meaningfully contribute to the upcoming 100th year celebration.

100 years a readers’ sanctuary!

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