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14 September 2018

Lithuanian Library Experts Shared Experience with the Representatives of the National Library of Moldova

On 10–14 September, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania hosted a meeting with a delegation from the National Library of the Republic of Moldova. The delegation members included specialists of different fields.  This visit is part of the project “Institution: National Library – Potential and Opportunities”.  The project aims to strengthen cooperation with the National Library of Moldova, to share experiences of implementing library activities and creating library services at the Lithuanian National Library by promoting knowledge society.

During the visit, the delegation members learned about the National Library, its vision, mission and strategic goals, as well as the statutory regulations governing the activities of the library.  The guests were provided with the opportunity to get a first-hand look into the work specifics of the structural units of the National Library, to learn about the services rendered, to look around the library spaces, and to get answers to their questions from the National Library specialists.

The delegation of the Republic of Moldova also visited Vilnius University Library and Vilnius County Adomas Mickevičius Public Library, and also met with the representatives of the Moldovan diaspora at the House of National Communities.

On the last day of their visit, the Moldovan specialists, together with their Lithuanian colleagues from the National Library, summarized the information they had gathered, identified needs and opportunities, and defined tasks to be completed prior to the Lithuanian experts’ visit in Moldova expected to take place in October this year. 

Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, Director General of the National Library, said that this project is both relevant and beneficial.  “While implementing structural and organizational reforms in recent years, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania has become an integral element that contributes to the country's advancement in terms of its information policy, culture, education, science, and economy.  The Library has acquired extensive experience and has become a knowledge space adding value to society.  Thus the experiences shared by the specialists and experts of the National Library in the fields of management, communication, marketing, collection search, project management, organization of educational activities, digitisation, engagement of expatriates into the collection and dissemination of information on national heritage, as well as creation and adaptation of attractive spaces will enable the National Library of Moldova to expand their activities and services and will contribute, in an extent, to implementing their country's information policy and reducing information and social exclusion,” said the Director of the National Library.


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