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9 October 2018

Symposium of Library Representatives from the Baltic Region in Germany

On 4–5 October, an international symposium of the association Bibliotheca Baltica entitled “Sharing the Sources: Innovative Technologies for Libraries, Archives and Research Communities” was hosted in Rostock, Germany, in which the representatives of the memory preservation institutions, together with information technology experts, had the opportunity to discuss the latest theoretical methods for the digitization of cultural heritage and the most innovative lending methods.

Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, President of Bibliotheca Baltica and Director General of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, gave a welcoming address at the opening ceremony. 

Director of the Project Management Unit Giedrė Čistovienė gave a presentation entitled “Virtual Electronic Heritage System in Lithuania: One System for Librarians, Archives and Multimedia Enterprises”. She provided a comprehensive overview of the activities to be implemented under the investment project “Development of the Virtual Cultural Space that Meets Public Needs” which has been launched by the library and aimed at the development of new electronic services that will facilitate the search, collection, processing and use of digitized cultural content for the users of the services of the portal for educational, research and other purposes. 

The general assembly session of Bibliotheca Baltica took place during the conference which was attended by Director General for the National Library Prof. Dr. R. Gudauskas. 

The conference agenda included the first scheduled session of the international project “Digital Treatment of Cultural Heritage in Creating the Cooperation Network of the Baltic Region”. The National Library was represented by Jolanta Budriūnienė, Director of the Documentary Heritage Research Department. Under the new project, the National Library, in cooperation with a group of foreign experts, will prepare a feasibility study on the use of cultural heritage objects in creating a regional identity.

Bibliotheca Baltica is an association that brings together libraries from 11 European countries and aims to strengthen the cooperation between the libraries of the Baltic Sea Region in the field of cultural heritage research and dissemination.