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6 December 2018

Vice: an Exhibition of the Paintings of Algimantas Černiauskas

07.12.2018 – 06.01.2019

The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania will be hosting an exhibition of Algimantas Černiauskas’ abstract paintings under the title of Vice  –  this is one of the largest displays of painting in Vilnius this year. The exhibition is a vision of elemental painting and showcases the monumental paintings the artist created over the past seven years. In the classic exhibition format, Černiauskas develops his ideas of abstract image. His works are massive constructions of colour that have their roots in the modern school of Lithuanian painting. Instead of fully identifying with the inert expressive language of this school or avoiding it altogether, Černiauskas’ work critically explores its very limits.

Algimantas Černiauskas is one of the most prominent artists of the Lithuanian contemporary art scene and continues the culture of abstract painting in Lithuania. Several years ago, his work extended beyond the picture frame: Černiauskas began curating the exhibitions of other painters, experimenting in music and as a performance artist, creating installations and dabbling in stand-up. However, the spread of ideas in abstract painting forms the core of Černiauskas’ work.

“Algimantas Černiauskas has a great command of the language of abstract painting. It is often the case that he looks directly for a link in the field of music – with the idea of sound and the expression of musical phrases, with the freedom of movement in his strokes. In addition to this, his exhibitions are accompanied by musical performances, video material, interviews and conversations full of wit, whimsy and intellectual irony, testifying not only to his ability to combine different talents, but his thought and his conscious as well as critical reflection on the painter’s situation today. Poetic language is used to express the painter’s position on important explorations of communication with today's viewer, probing the depths of the understanding of the artist’s existence and mission.

When discussing the painterly language of Černiauskas’ creations, two things stand out: a relationship to the principles of neomodernist abstract painting and what is now characteristic of contemporary painting – a syncretic decorativeness that has becomes both a visual and philosophical means of expression for the painter. Colour, rhythm and plane are all reconsidered and used in his painting. A reference point in the tradition of painting brings a constructive foundation to his optical, dynamic and tactile images. It can safely be said that this ambitious turn of abstract painting is unique in the context of contemporary Lithuanian art, and few young artists have developed their work to this professional extent.” (Agnė Kulbytė)

“It is likely that abstract painting will remain silent for those who will not find help in discovering it. In the contemporary world, abstract painting has for a long time now been the norm. It is a space for seriousness, peace, serenity, meditation and existential provocation: loud, silent, ceremonious, schizophrenic and, of course, mesmerising.” (Algimantas Černiauskas)

Algimantas Černiauskas will participate in the opening of the exhibition. Partner: The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

Brief information about the exhibition

7 December – 6 January
7 December, 6 PM, Exhibition Hall, 3rd floor
Exhibition Hall, 3rd floor
Free entrance
See our Facebook page