Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
27 June 2019

Europeana: How Lithuania Raises Awareness about Cultural Heritage Copyright

As part of the project Labelling of Digital and Digitised Content, the National Library has integrated Rights Statements into the digital object labelling tool/manual which are also available on the online platform

Also two animated videos have been created for introducing online audience to the benefits of Creative Commons licenses and Rights Statements as well as the tool and manual specifically designed for this purpose by the National Library.

The videos are relevant for creators and memory institutions that post their photographs, videos or audio recordings on the internet where it is important to specify the conditions under which other internet users can (or cannot) use the content that has been made public. This encourages respect for the rights of copyright owners, culture of fair sharing, cultural diversity as well as the development of creative industries. Another purpose of the animated videos is to increase awareness of the general public and to promote negative attitudes toward piracy, to reduce the extent of such activities while at the same time facilitating legitimate access to the content protected by copyright and related rights.

We are excited to note that Europeana has published information on the electronic services created by the National Library of Lithuania on its website and describes the project as innovative and contributing to the creation of an open, knowledgeable and creative society.

For more information, please refer to:

Europeana is Europe’s largest digital platform for cultural heritage which can be conveniently used for studies, work or leisure. Europeana works with thousands of European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research. Europeana Collections provides access to over 50 million digitised items – books, recordings, artworks and more.