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5 August 2019

Modern Photography Exhibition “New York’s Constructs” Opened at the National Library

Visitors are welcome to attend a modern photography exhibition titled “New York’s Constructs” opened at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. In her opening speech, the exhibition’s curator Gerda Paliušytė pointed out that the exhibition and its title were inspired by a photography series of the 1980s by American artist Barbara Kasten. “I am very excited about everything that we have today at this exhibition space. Besides B. Kasten’s assemblages “New York’s Constructs 13” and “New York’s Constructs 14”, visitors will be able to see other works of modern photography by John Divola, Wei-Li-Yeh, Ulrich Wüst, Marijonas Baranauskas, Romualdas Rakauskas, and Itsuko Hasegawa. I would also like to extend my thanks to the National Library (the exhibition is dedicated to its 100th anniversary) and to the Lithuanian Council for Culture as well as Goethe’s Institute in Lithuania for all the support we have received in compiling this exhibition.”

When discussing the visual aspects of the exhibition, G. Paliušytė added: “The visuals were created by designer Vaida Gasiūnaitė. You have probably already noticed that they feature a photograph from the National Library’s archive, whereas the text colour was inspired by B. Kasten’s photography. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to architect Gediminas G. Akstinas for his ideas regarding the arrangement of the works, especially for one architectural solution which, in my opinion, proved to be perfect for this exhibition, namely, the modification of the window sills of the National Library’s Exhibition Hall.”

Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, Director General of the National Library, thanked the exhibition’s creative team for giving it a piece of their heart and spirit which can be felt in this exhibition. “This contemporary, modern photography exhibition is an important highlight in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the National Library. After undergoing nine years of reconstruction, our Library has become a modern, artistic, intense and pro-active national memory institution. It is always good to see frequent library visitors building our country and our environment.”

The exhibition will be on display until 22 September at the Exhibition Hall, 3rd floor. Everyone are welcome to attend.

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