Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
18 December 2019

A New Innovative Space for Creative Users

Libraries have always been institutions that bring people together and allow them to use the information preserved there. The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania is not only a custodian of the treasury of information but also provides innovative services to the users. Up to the present day, the Library has been inviting junior visitors to Make, Discover, Preserve, Be Inquisitive, Recognize and Capture at the PATS SAU (“Do-It-Yourself”) Makerspace, and on 18 December, it is presenting a creative space for adults, the Media Workshop.

The six spaces will encompass digital and analogue creative activities: those related to virtual reality, programming and modelling, sound recording, photography and images, and films and developers. To quote the presentation of the Media Workshop by a creator of the space and the administrator of the PATS SAU Makerspace Donatas Kubilius, “The Library has found an opportunity to establish an innovative creative space for implementing individual projects by using premises in the basement under the staircase. Age is not relevant at this Workshop: it is open both for schoolchildren and seniors. It welcomes all who have elementary background in digital creative work and aspire for a more advanced level, but are not endeavouring to become professionals”.

The creative activities at the new Workshop will be self-service with the possibility to get qualified consultation from staff members. The visitors will be able to individually expose frames of a film camera, revive episodes from their childhood captured on a video tape recorder or distance themselves from analogue creative activities and develop skills of the 3D and 2D modelling, penetrate the possibilities of the virtual reality and deepen their knowledge of electronics. For tasks which require special tools and less sterile environment, the visitors of the Media Workshop will be able to use the potential of the PATS SAU Makerspace (see more here).

Until 15 January, 12–17 p.m., the Media Workshop will be open to the public for looking around, get introduced to the services and give their suggestions and wishes regarding the improvement of the Workshop. If you wish to come at other time, please contact us by the phone number 8 685 25 496. The new Workshop pursues new keepers (employees). The National Library invites those who wish to share their experience and become qualified consultants at the Media Workshop.

The companions of the Media workshop are UAB “EMP” and the public undertaking Atviros fotografijos dirbtuvės.