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13 March 2020

The National Library Is Cancelling Events And Will Temporarily Not Provide Part Of Its Services

In accordance with the regulations of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, starting with 13 March, the Martynas Mažvydas National Libray of Lithuania is cancelling all events at its premises and is temporarily withdrawing services for visitors and provision of part of its services. The National Library will be closed for visitors until 27 April.

“We are closely monitoring this complicated situation and follow the recommendations and resolutions by both the Government and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania. According to the latest official information, the National Library shall provide services electronically and all events and provision of physical services shall be cancelled”, says the National Library‘s Director-General Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas.

In its everday activities, the Library is adhering to safety requirements and encourages that everybody do the same.

The National Library‘s remote services ›