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17 March 2020

Listen to Naxos Music Library from the comfort of your home!

You can remotely access Naxos Music Library, an online music database subscribed by the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. It offers an extensive catalogue of high-quality audio recordings including classical music and other genres as well as audio books, film scores and lectures on the history of classical music and opera. The library also contains synopses and librettos of over 700 operas, glossaries, descriptions of various pieces of music and other information resources.

You can create your own playlists so you can listen to all your favourite recordings in one place or you use the playlists offered by Naxos Music Library.

Naxos Music Library offers a comprehensive collection of resources for music education including information and educational materials on the most famous composers and musicians from the Baroque period to the 20th century. It also contains resources on the lessons from the music curricula of such countries as Australia, Ireland, South Korea, North America, and the United Kingdom. Moreover, users can browse through music history lessons for children or download some exciting apps for free, e. g. Beanie’s Musical Instruments, Little Tchaikovsky App, etc. It is a great tool for home entertainment, learning music at home or exploring music’s variety in a traditional music lesson.

Naxos Music Library is also a useful platform for curious music lovers. If you wish to discover the world of opera, you are welcome to listen the 762-page audio book A–Z of Opera featuring classical examples of the most famous operatic works and covering the period from the birth of the genre to the modern-day opera.

To access Naxos Music Library, go to

You can use this database outside the library, if you log in via EZproxy. A total of six users can use it at a time, so if your log-in failed, please try again later.

Have a nice listening session!