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9 June 2020

Frequently asked questions after resuming user service

After the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania opened its doors for visitors, we were asked a great many of questions regarding service provision. We have drawn a list of most frequently asked questions, which may give answers to your concerns. If you do not find answers here, please go to the dialogue section on the Library’s website or write at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • What special requirements are applied to the Library's visitors during the quarantine period?

Entry to the Library is permitted only with protective face masks (the requirement does not apply to visitors younger than 6 years of age). Inside the Library, wearing the face mask is obligatory. Entrance is forbidden for visitors with upper respiratory disorders (cold, cough, sneeze, breathing difficulty). Consuming food and beverages is not permitted at the Library.

In queues, visitors must keep a 1m separation from one another. Visitors are also asked to maintain sneezing and coughing etiquette and hand hygiene as well as, if possible, pay for services with a bank card.

  • Must books be ordered in advance?

We recommend to order books and receive notification about the resolved order and then go to the Library. When ordered at the Library, the delivery of books may take up to one hour.

  • How to order books online?

When you find the needed book on the electronic services portal, select your library from the drop-down menu and enter the number of your reader card and password. Online ordering is also available on the Online Catalogue of the National Library. When you find the needed document, click “Order a publication”. Enter the number of your card and password in the appropriate boxes. Click “Login”. Choose the date of the order. The box “The data of copy” shows the Library’s collection where the document is available. Indicate the collection and click “Order”. You can check the information about your orders by activating “My area” and “My orders” at the top of page.

  • Where to go if I want to collect books ordered for home?

Collect books that have been ordered from the General Collection in Room 202. They should be borrowed by using the nearby self-service device. For books from the Collection of the Children’s and Youth Literature Department, go to the Reading Room of the Children’s and Youth Literature Department and use the self-service device there. Books from the Leisure Reading Collection can be borrowed by using the self-service device located on the 2nd floor next to the main entrance

  • What is the expiration time of the order? Can I collect the order which was prepared today on the following day? 

Books will need to be collected on the same day, until the library is closed.

  • How many books can I borrow and what is the loan period?

From the General Collection, the Open Collection of the Children’s and Youth Literature and the Leisure Reading Collection, no more than 5 (five) documents are lent for home use for 30 (thirty) day period. Users can prolong this term for 14 (fourteen) days except when they have not returned documents on the due date or the document is requested by another user.

  • What is the best way to return books?

During the Library’s working hours, we recommend to return books by using the device for returning books next to Room 202 and during non-working hours, to drop books into the box for returning books next to the main entrance.

  • Is there still no late charge for books not returned on due date?

As the quarantine period continues in Lithuania, there is no late charge.

  • Why am I not allowed ordering books?

If you are a registered user of the National Library and have a valid LIBIS reader card, check at the information section of your profile if you have renewed your registration data (or registered) in the current year.

  • I want to order a book, but forgot my password. Could you remind it?

On the portal, there is the function of reminding the password or you may phone at (8 5) 249 7028.

  • I am trying to order books for home, but I fail because the program shows the message “You must register at the library” Can I do it online?

You may register not only at the library but also on the electronic services portal by confirming your identity on the e-government portal. Having logged on your account on the portal, select “Register”.

  • How can I return an e-book? Will it be returned automatically?

On the electronic services portal, click “Orders” and select “E-books”. You will be shown a list “Currently reserved and lent ebooks” with borrowing data and captions. Select “Actions” and you shall be able to return the documents. If you wish to prolong the returning period and are not able to do it, the system will automatically perform the returning action on the appropriate date.

  • Can I order periodicals?

Yes, you may order periodicals and use the collection in the Media Reading Room.

  • Is there access to computers and copying devices at the Library?

Yes, there is access to computers and copying devices.

  • Are the Library’s reading rooms open? If so, can they be used in the same way as before the quarantine?

All the Library‘s reading rooms are open and all traditional services are available there, but with adherence to certain safety requirements.

  • Is the Music Lab and Meeting Rooms open for reservation?

Yes, these spaces are open for reservation.

Service provision may change in accordance with Government provisions and official recommendations. All relevant information will published on the National Library’s website in real time.