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17 July 2020

APIECE / Visvaldas Morkevičius / Inner Dialogue

For the summer period, single artwork gallery apiece is moving from Vilnius to Palanga Summer Reading Room (part of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania). From July to September it will be hosting three exhibitions of contemporary visual art which will be available to viewers 24/7.

The second exhibition, which is opening on July 21, features work by young Lithuanian artist Visvaldas Morkevičius. The work is from the series Inner dialogue (2012-2018) which presents observations from different periods of the author's life, unfolding a fragmented story of self-reflection. There is not much linearity here, as images from various story threads, featuring personal, professional, and some ambiguous work, intersect.

As the title indicates, these image-dialogues are not only with the environment, but also with oneself. Beyond their surface, the photographs reflect glimpses into subconscious desires, thoughts that are yet to form. It is as if talking with oneself through photographs.

Perhaps photography can only be a subjective and partial conversation. Yet it offers insight the awkwardly - connecting hands, deformed and displaced body figures, and red symbols of love and fight pulse with something that was perhaps not fully expressed with words at the time of their taking. Examining this all, one might realize to stand in front of a map. It is of a young man's pilgrimage through what connects us all - struggle, love, longing, failure, curiosity, and, ultimately, a glimpse of a never-ending hope to truly know oneself.

 Visvaldas Morkevičius (b. 1990) is a Lithuanian photographer and media artist whose work situates itself in between fashion, documentary and artistic fields. His visual regard holds interest in subcultural scenes, bodily identities and urban lifestyles.
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apiece is a gallery exhibiting a single artwork of contemporary visual art or a design object at a time. The format of exhibitions encourages the audience to take closer interest in the author of the artwork/object or in contemporary art on the whole.

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Exhibition from 21 July until 16 August 2020

Project partner: Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania