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15 February 2021

Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas Awarded the Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, the Director-General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas will be awarded the Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania in recognition of his merits to the Republic of Lithuania and promoting Lithuania internationally.

The Decree “On Awarding Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and Foreign Nationals Orders and Medals of the State of Lithuania on the Occasion of the 16th of February, the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania” states that the reward receiver Renaldas Gudauskas is the Director-General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Professor at Mykolas Romeris University, a promoter of sustainable leadership, culture, education, science and the development of the public information policy as well as of the acceleration of the progress of Lithuania’s knowledge society and strengthening of the international competitiveness of the State and that he has a doctoral degree.

The Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania is the twenty-first State award of Lithuania in order of importance bestowed, under a decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, on individuals for dedicated services in promoting Lithuania and developing cross-border relationships as well as for humanitarian aid for Lithuania and dedicated services in civil service and the spheres of culture, science and education, business and production, healthcare and social security, military service, sports, etc. This order may be bestowed also on citizens of foreign countries. Nominees to the Order are suggested by the Speaker and Deputy-Speakers of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Prime Minister or members of the Government.

This year, because of the continuing pandemic, the Presidency has invited the people of Lithuania to observe the ceremony of bestowing State awards on the occasion of the 16th of February safely: on the national television channel. The broadcast will begin at 11 a.m. on 16 February 2021.

After the pandemic ends and quarantine restrictions are lifted, all the award receivers will be invited to the Palace of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, where President Gitanas Nausėda, in accordance with tradition, will present the awards in the White Hall.


The Cross of the Knight is made from gold, has five ends, is coated with white enamel and is of the size of 42 mm. It is covered with the State emblem of the Republic of Lithuania (Vytis). Between the ends of the crosss, there are rays of the sun. On the reverse: coats-of arms of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys on the ends of the cross and the inscription “Pro Lituania” and the year of the establishment of the order “2002” in the centre.

Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas © Irmantas Gelūnas