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18 February 2021

National Library Renewed Strategies for the Publication and Promotion of Its Research Journals

The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania has renewed strategies for the publication and promotion of its research journals. The process includes revision of the conceptual framework for the publishing of the journal Parliamentary Studies and the research journal Relevant Tomorrow, which is now under development; formation of new international editorial boards; and substantial updating of the Website of Parliamentary Studies. The first issue of the National Library’s new product, the peer-reviewed electronic bilingual research journal Relevant Tomorrow, is already on its way to the readers.

To quote the Library’s Director-General Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, “In its planning of research activities, the National Library singles out research publishing as a priority. We hope that the renewed scholarly journals will considerably contribute to professional promotion of research results. Henceforth both journals will be published on the electronic publishing platform Open Journal System. The implemented innovations will allow not only to improve the quality of the journals’ publishing and enhance their access but also facilitate the indexing of information and its discoverability by search engines.”

The research journal Parliamentary Studies (Parlamento studijos) has been published by the National Library since 2004. The journal’s remit is to encourage and broaden research in democratic governance, parliamentarianism and political culture. Its authors include political analysts, historians, sociologists, researchers in linguistics and law as well as authors within the discipline of political communication. The journal publishes various research articles, sources, chronicles and reports.

The journal Relevant Tomorrow will be developed on the basis of the periodical selections of scholarly articles Bibliografijos žinios (“Bibliographical News”) and Bibliografija (“Bibliography”) published by the National Library starting with 1993. The Library’s Scientific Council has fundamentally reviewed the journal’s concept. It has been decided to broaden its scope: in addition to research in bibliography and information management, there will be articles and studies related to information safety, media and information literacy, processes of information policy and communication and methodology. The journal has changed it format: from printed to exclusively electronic.

In order to target the highest international-level academic quality, the order of reviewing articles has also been transformed. The journals will continue to be free for authors to publish in them. The Websites that have been developed completely conform to the requirements for academic journals and meet the quality criteria for premium research databases: licensing, international numbering, referencing and design, etc. of published works has been coordinated.

Electronic versions of both journals are free-of charge and freely accessible.