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Naujienos iliustracija 2 July 2021

Changes in the activities and regulations of the National Library after the quarantine period

The Martynas Mažvydas National Library informs about changes after the quarantine period, which ended on 1 July. Though the eight-month-long quarantine period has been ended, the emergency state set in the February of 2020 and part of the restrictions remains valid because of the risk of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Starting with 1 July, the National Library, complying with the restraints set by legal acts, provides all its services:

  • Physical services of visitors: lending documents and collecting borrowed ones;
  • services of the Media, Lithuanian Studies, Social Sciences, Humanities, Music and Visual Arts, Children’s and Youth Literature, Rare Books and Manuscripts Reading Rooms and Judaica Research Centre;
  • services of Meeting Rooms;
  • services of Cinema;
  • services of the Music Lab;
  • services of the Hub;
  • services of the PATS SAU Makerspace;
  • services of the Media Makerspace;
  • Children's Activity Centre Žaisloteka (Toytheque)
  • services of the Recording Studio;
  • services of the TV Studio;
  • Internet access;
  • self-service photocopying, printing, scanning;
  • events and exhibitions;
  • filming and photography services;
  • guided tours.

Opening hours

Opening hours during July and August:

  • Monday to Friday 10.00 - 21.00; 
  • Saturday, Sunday 10.00 - 18.00. 

See opening hours of other Library’s reading rooms and spaces from 1 July until 29 August here ›

The National Library is closed on public holidays. The opening hours are one hour shorter on a day before a public holiday.

Requirements for visitors:

  • Visitors older than 6 years should wear face protective tools (a surgical face mask or respirator covering the nose and mouth). Exempt from wearing a protective face mask are persons with disabilities to whom wearing a face covering is counter-indicative or whose health status may be compromised by wearing such a covering (wearing a face shield is recommended). A visitor not wearing a protective mask, for this reason, should produce to the staff the disability certificate. Visitors not wearing protective tools covering the nose and mouth shall not be serviced except for the above-mentioned exceptions. 
  • The body temperature of visitors entering the Library is measured with a thermoviser. Visitors with signs of acute upper respiratory illness (e.g. fever, cough, difficulty breathing) and/or those for whom self-isolation is required are denied entrance into the Library and access to its spaces.
  • Visitors are asked to keep social distancing of no fewer than 2 meters from one another, as well as staff members when queuing at lending and borrowing service points.
  • Visitors are asked to practice coughing and sneezing etiquette (cover nose and mouth with a disposable napkin or cough or sneeze into the elbow) as well as appropriate hand hygiene (regularly wash hands with water and soap or use a disinfectant).
  • Environmental cleaning and disinfection are performed several times a day in the library, in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Personal item storage lockers are closed. Please keep clothes and other items with you.

We also invite you to use the remote services provided by the National Library. 

The National Library, as a socially responsible institution, points out that in order to sustain the improving epidemiological situation, it is necessary to keep vaccination levels high and encourage the public to act in a responsible way so that herd immunity be acquired as soon as possible.

Let us stay healthy and safe. We thank the Library’s visitors for understanding and responsibility.