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15 October 2021

A Visit of the National Library of Latvia’s Staff Members

On 14 October, the National Library was visited by the staff members of the National Library of Latvia Renāte Berga, Deputy of the Lettonica and Baltic Centre (Special Collections Department) for bibliographic work, and Jana Dreimane, a researcher at the Lettonica and Baltic Centre (Special Collections Department). The guests met the National Library’s Director-General Renaldas Gudauskas and presented to him a recently published catalogue of the Riga Jesuit College (‘Catalogue of the Riga Jesuit College Book Collection (1583–1621). History and Reconstruction of the Collection’), which, among other information, contains that about copies of publications by the Riga Jesuit College preserved at the National Library. They also visited the exhibition Rari, rarissimi e piccole curiosità, which features rare, highly valuable, exceptional and very interesting documents: everything that is unique, unusual, and mysterious and that amazes us and stirs our curiosity (curiositas).

The guests were introduced to the interactive art product (hologram) ‘Donelaitis, the Homer of Lithuania’) created by the National Library together with the Institute of the Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, the National Association of Cultural and Creative Industries, and Vilnius Academy of Arts and which is now being demonstrated in the Lithuanian pavilion at the international exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai.

The guest from the National Library of Latvia also were interested in scholarly publications issued by the National Library and met with the Managing Editor of the magazine Tarp knygų Jūratė Bičkauskienė and the Executive Secretary for Scholarly Publishing and Researcher Darius Žiemelis.