Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
23 December 2022

We wish you a bright and joyful winter holiday!

Dear All!

2022 has demanded our focus and courage. The year was marked by Russia's unprovoked war against Ukraine. In the face of aggression, Lithuania maintained its respect for democratic principles and humanity. We have reaffirmed our unity and belief in the fundamental values of freedom.

We therefore wish you wisdom and patience in the coming year. We invite you to continue to support the Ukrainian people.

Next year will bring many challenges but also new opportunities. Many important occasions await us, including the anniversary of Vilnius. Therefore, we invite you to come and visit us at your National Library of Lithuania.

We wish you a bright and joyful winter holiday!

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Director General of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

