Telefonas Klaustukas Sitemap

Conservation and Restoration of the Personal Book Collection of Matas Strašunas

Project’s purpose

  1. Over a two-year period, to restore and conserve Matas Strasunas’ personal collection of prints (1,640 items) and open it up for readers and researchers.
  2. To promote the project, its progress and results.

Results to be achieved

Quantitative results:

  1. The restored and conserved book collection (1,640 print items).
  2. Informational reports on the Web about the project’s progress and Matas Strasunas’ collection.
  3. Exhibition of the most valuable restored and conserved prints of the collection.  

Qualitative results:

  1. The opportunity offered for readers and researchers to get acquainted with this collection and investigate it.
  2. More comprehensive knowledge and conception of the collection’s content.

Intended impact of the project

  1. Conserving and restoration of the collection will allow researchers to use the collection as a source for their studies.
  2. During the project’s promotion, the general public will be more comprehensively informed about this exceptional book collection preserved at the National Library.

Brief description of the project’s activities

The Jewish book collection of Matas Strasunas preserved at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania was recognized as an object of the documentary heritage of regional significance and entered into UNESCO’s Memory of the World Registry. Unfortunately, this unique documentary heritage, because of its bad state (prints are tattered, the paper is crumpled, margins are ragged and there is a lack of fragments) cannot be accessible to readers and researchers. The conservation and restoration of the collection will contribute to the preservation of the Jewish community’s history and culture as well as provide a more comprehensive picture of the Library’s Judaica collection and its value.

Brief agenda of the implementation of the project’s main activities

October 2022: selection of books and handing them over to the Documents Conservation and Restoration Unit, purchasing of restoration facilities and materials, and informing about the project’s beginning.
From October 2022 to October 2023: book restoration and conservation works (Phase 1); Interim Project Report.
From October 2023 to October 2024: book restoration and conservation works (Phase 2); inform about the project’s progress.
October 2024: an exhibition of the collection’s most valuable books; Final Project Report. 

Project’s risks

Changes in the project’s implementation agenda are possible because of a large number of books, technical problems or illness of restorers.

List of stakeholders

The project team:

  1. Larisa Lempertienė, the project’s manager;
  2. Julijana Andriejauskienė, the project’s coordinator;
  3. Restorers (6 persons)
  4. Financier

Project’s target groups:

  1. General public
  2. Researchers
  3. All interested in Judaica

Project’s success criteria

  1. 1,640 print items restored and conserved.
  2. Launching of an exhibition of restored and conserved books.

Project’s total value (EUR)

EUR 100,439.40

Project’s implementation period

Start of the project: 1 October 2022.
Project’s end: 1 October 2024.

Project manager 

Dr Larisa Lempertienė; phone: (8 5) 239 8699