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Early reading forum

Project funding and value (EUR)

Ministry of Culture, grant from Erland Kolding Nielsen, CENL (The Conference of European National Librarians). The total value of the project is EUR 11,650.

Project aim

To organise a forum on early reading to bring together the Lithuanian and international community to professionally speak, discuss and spread the message about the benefits of early reading.

Project objectives

  1. Organise an international forum on early reading.
  2. Ensure the widest possible dissemination of the forum's reports in Lithuania and abroad.
  3. Provide theoretical and practical knowledge for library, formal and non-formal education professionals and parents.

Planned results

Quantitative project results:

  1. A 2-day international forum is organised.
  2. At least 300 participants (direct and remote participation).

Qualitative project results:

  1. The benefits of early reading are highlighted and actualised.
  2. Theoretical and practical knowledge for professionals and parents working with children.
  3. The role of libraries as active promoters of early reading is strengthened.

Project duration

1 June 2022 - 31 December 2022

Short description of the project

  1. The first day of the forum is dedicated to presentations by specialists in various fields (educologists, literary scholars, psychologists, etc.) related to the development of and reading among the youngest children.
  2. On the first day, a discussion will be organised on the importance and impact of libraries on early reading.
  3. The second day of the forum will include educational activities for professionals and parents, during which professionals will provide theoretical and practical guidance on how to read effectively with your child and how to get him/her interested in books in general.
  4. At the end of the forum, there will be educational activities for young readers, led by specialists, to engage them in getting to know books.

Project implemented by:

Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library

Project partners

  1. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania
  2. Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania
  3. EURead
  4. National Library of Latvia
  5. Estonian Children's Literature Centre
  6. Embassy of Sweden
  7. Lithuanian Section of IBBY

The project team

  • Žydrė Vėtienė, Cultural Activities Manager (Project Manager), Project Management Section
  • Sandra Leknickiene, Deputy Director General for Information Resources and Services Development
  • Viktorija Pukėnaitė-Pigagienė, Director of the Communications and Marketing section
  • Goda Baranauskaitė-Dangovienė, Director of the Children's and Youth Literature Department
  • Eglė Baliutavičiūtė, Senior researcher, Research and Dissemination Section, Department of Children's and Youth Literature
  • Ginta Liberytė, Cultural Activities Manager, Project Management Section
  • Eglė Baliutavičiūtė, Senior Researcher, Research and Dissemination Section, Department of Children's and Youth Literature
  • Viktorija Bulyginaitė, Head of the Cultural Education Section, Department of Children's and Youth Literature, Head of Cultural Projects
  • Vaida Gasiūnaitė, Chief Designer, Marketing and Intellectual Services Section, Communications and Marketing Department
  • Asta Mukienė, Chief Cultural Project Manager, Marketing and Intellectual Services Section, Communication and Marketing Department
  • Sevilė Charsika, Cultural Project Manager, Public Relations Section, Communications and Marketing Department

 Project target groups

  1. Library professionals, educators
  2. Pre-school institution professionals
  3. Non-formal educational institution educators
  4. Parents of children aged 0-3

Planned impact of the project

The knowledge and practical skills acquired will help participants to understand the benefits and impact of early reading on child development, so that they can put them into practice in their daily lives.

Responsible person

Žydrė Vėtienė, Cultural activities manager, Project management section(8 5) 239 8517, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.