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Intercultural and informational migrant education: development of staff competences

Project aim
To use job shadowing visits to acquire knowledge about innovative work experience of Danish and Finish libraries in dealing with migrant and refugee issues and to apply this experience at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Vilnius District Adomas Mickevičius Public Library and Švenčionys District Municipality Public Library; to improve employee competences and skills in dealing with immigrants and refugees by promoting lifelong learning.

Tasks of the project
1. To organize mobility visits by ensuring adequate preparation for participants.
2. To develop guidelines for working with migrants by applying the experience acquired from mobility visits.

Project duration
June 2017 – May 2018

Implementing organization
The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

Project partners
1. Vilnius District A. Mickevičius Public Library.
2. Švenčionys District Municipality Public Library:

Project coordinator at NLL (division, centre, department)
Project Management Division of the Strategic Development Department.

Source of project funding, value (EUR)
The  project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme administered by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation; the project value is EUR 16,842.

Project description
The target group of the project consists of immigrants and refugees.

Expected impact of the project
1. For project participants:
- knowledge acquisition, better understanding of and new experience in working with a new and sensitive target group;
- promotion of intercultural understanding, increase in racial and cultural awareness;
- improved language skills.
2. For participating organizations:
- Introduction to a new target group that the libraries will start working with; ensuring that this group is provided with information literacy education services in a targeted and purposeful manner;
- Strengthening of the network of the organizations (consortium and project partners) with regard to the issues of informational integration of the project’s target group; enhancing networking among organizations regarding potential cooperation in future activities.
3. For project target groups:
Immigrants residing in the Vilnius region will receive new information literacy services which will lead to a better standard of life in social, economic, educational and cultural fields.  New ideas and experiences will be disseminated among all libraries of the Vilnius region (in future all the remaining public libraries of Lithuania will also be included) and will be beneficial to the migrants and refugees of the entire region who will not only receive new services but also benefit from a more open approach, a higher level of tolerance and cultural understanding.

Responsible contact:
Ieva Gumuliauskaitė, Cultural Activity Manager at the Project Management Division of the Strategic Development Department, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
