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Let's Read Together: Educating Young Readers and Improving Qualifications of Specialists Working with Them

Aim of the project
The project "Let's Read Together: Educating Young Readers and Improving Qualifications of Specialists Working with Them" aims at educating young readers (school-age children) and developing competencies of specialists working with them.

Tasks of the project 
1. Start a Book Club which would hold weekly book reading sessions, discussions, Battles of the Brains on literary topics, various events and educational field trips.
2. Organize a series of events (seminars, discussions, lectures, Myriorama workshops) aimed at developing competencies of specialists (teachers, librarians) working with children and youth;
3. Disseminate activities implemented as part of the project (articles in the press, websites or on Facebook)
4. Conduct project impact assessment (participant survey).

Project duration
January–December 2015

Project promoter
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

Project partners
Tyto Alba publishing house, Nieko Rimto publishing house

Project coordinator within NLL (unit, department)
Children's Literature Research and Dissemination Department of the Centre for Children's Literature

Project funding source, value (EUR)
Lithuanian Council for Culture, EUR 6,100

Introduction of the project
The project "Let's Read Together: Educating Young Readers and Improving Qualifications of Specialists Working with Them" is aimed at two target audiences. The main objective of activities (Book Club, different educational field trips and activities, meetings with writers) dedicated to children and youth is to foster a positive attitude toward reading, improve reading skills, develop a generation of professional and critical readers who would contribute to the future success of society. The other target group of the project are specialists working with children (staff of public, district and school libraries, teachers).
A team of specialists (psychologists, literary critics, artists) were brought together to help increase the qualifications of aforementioned specialists and develop their skills needed for an efficient and promising way of working with young readers. Public reading sessions for general public, especially families, which are held during two summer months in Palanga Summer Reading Room of the Lithuanian National Library, also help position reading as an interesting and attractive activity having a certain status of prestige in society.

Responsible person
Inga Mitunevičiūtė, head of the Children's Literature Research and Dissemination Department of the Centre for Children's Literature, tel: 239 8564; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.