Telefonas Klaustukas Sitemap

“Tell your Story - Be Important”

Public Libraries 2020

Aim of the project
Strengthen the role of public libraries as institutions addressing social exclusion, digital divide and lifelong learning issues in Lithuanian local government strategic planning documents with a view to improving public libraries' image and funding opportunities for public libraries.

Tasks of the project
1. Organize interactive seminars / workshops to further develop advocacy skills of public libraries' leaders enabling them to represent their libraries when dealing with Lithuanian local government authorities to address social exclusion, digital divide and lifelong learning issues.
2. On behalf of public libraries participate in the events held for the representatives of Lithuanian local government authorities, emphasizing social exclusion, digital divide and lifelong learning issues.
3. With the help of public relations specialists of libraries, perform coordinated dissemination of latest survey data of Lithuanian public libraries, emphasizing the role of libraries in reducing social exclusion and bridging the digital divide as well as addressing lifelong issues.

Project duration
July 2015–January 2016

Project promoter
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

Project partners
Lithuanian Municipal Public Library Association

Project coordinator within the NLL (unit, department)
Strategic Project Development Department

Project funding source, value (EUR)
Initiative "Public Libraries 2020", Reading & Writing Foundation, EUR 14,900

Introduction of the project
The project will involve call for libraries to: analyze whether the activities performed by libraries are accurate representation of their role as problem solving agencies addressing social exclusion, digital divide and lifelong learning issues in the local government strategic planning documents (LGSD); present concrete proposals regarding amendments to the LGSD by substantiating them with survey data and success stories of library visitors. In an attempt to strengthen the skills of library leaders (65), interactive seminars/workshops will be held during which library leaders, with the help of professional consultants, will discuss the LGSD analysis results, possible solutions, and will collectively develop plans for library advocacy in local government institutions for the years 2016–2016.

Expected project outcomes:
1. Creation of the library advocacy plan for the years 2015–2016 in cooperation with library leaders.
2. Implementation of the 2015 advocacy plan.
3. Database of library visitors' success stories.

Responsible person
Giedrė Čistovienė, Head of the Project Management Unit of the Strategic Development Department, tel. (+370 5) 239 8631, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.