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The series of educational events “Discussions About Emigration”

Aim of the project
Organize interactive activities for students aimed at expanding their knowledge about (e)migration processes, contributing to citizenship education and development of a sense of national consciousness in young people.

Tasks of the project
1. Organize trainings for teachers and librarians participating in the project and prepare them for their role in implementing the project based on the methodology developed by the researchers of the Lithuanian National Library.
2. Organize interactive trainings for gymnasium students participating in the project to broaden their knowledge about migration, as  a historical and modern-day process of Lithuania.
3. Based on the material collected during the project on the present-day emigrants, organize student debates in order to broaden their perception about the modern-day migration process of the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania.
4. Perform dissemination of the project progress and outcomes in order to attract the target audience and inform stakeholders about the project.

Project duration
August–December 2015

Project promoter
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

Project partners
Ukmergė A. Smetona Gymnasium, NGO "Global Lithuanian Leaders",  V. Šlaitas Public Library of Ukmergė District Municipality

Project coordinator within the NLL (unit, department)
Department of Lithuanian Publications

Project funding source, value (EUR)
Lithuanian Council for Culture, EUR 2,770

Introduction of the project
Citizenship education and development of a sense of national identity is one of the key educational objectives outlined in the State Progress Strategy. The concept of (e)migration, as a homogeneous historical phenomenon, is an important part of citizenship education. The curriculum in question has not so far been sufficiently adapted. The project aims to expand and broaden gymnasium students' knowledge about the historical and present-day processes relating to the (e)migration of Lithuanian citizens by applying different teaching methods including interactive lectures, individual and group work, as well as debates.

Responsible person
Jolanta Budriūnienė, Head of the Lithuanian Studies Unit of the Information Sciences Department, tel. (+370 5) 239 8637, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.