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The Connected Lithuania: An Effective, Secure and Responsible Lithuanian Digital Community

Source of project funding, value (EUR)

European Regional Development Fund and the State Investment Programme (Priority Axis 2 “Promoting Information Society” of the Operational Programme for the EU Funds’ Investments for 2014–2020, investment project 2.2 “Development of ICT Products and Services, E-Commerce and ICT Demand”).

Total project value: EUR 5,988,156.64

Project goal

To assist people in learning to use information and communications technology (ICT), the Internet and the opportunities provided by the Internet in an efficient, safe and responsible manner.

Project tasks

  1. To inform members of the public in Lithuania, especially target groups who face digital exclusion, of the opportunities provided by information and communications technology (ICT).
  2. To encourage people who have limited digital skills to become knowledgeable ICT users.

Project duration

April 2018 – September 2021

Implementing organization

Information Society Development Committee

Project partners

  1. Association “Langas į Ateitį”
  2. Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania
  3. Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania
  4. The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

The unit of the National Library in charge of coordinating the project

Project Management Department

Project description

Project target groups:

  1. People who never use the Internet or those who have inadequate digital skills;
  2. Communities and their digital leaders;
  3. Libraries;
  4. Young people;
  5. E-scouts.

The following activities will be implemented as part of the project:

  1. Preparation for training courses: registering communities, electing digital leaders, and preparing training resources.
  2. Analysing the knowledge of smart technologies among communities.
  3. Communities’ competition.
  4. Digital leaders training, events for young people, etc.
  5. Courses for beginners.
  6. Courses for people who have limited digital skills.

Expected outcomes of the project:

  1. 500,000 citizens of Lithuania will acquire or improve their digital skills.
  2. Ensuring that regular internet users make up 87 percent of the population.

Responsible contact at the National Library

Giedrė Čistovienė, Director, Project Management Department, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.