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The East and Central Europe Journal Donation Project, JDP

Aim of the project
Restore and develop the collections of the main scholar and academic libraries that have suffered from political impacts and economic hardship.

Tasks of the project
Subscribe to the major Western scholarly journals and meet relevant information needs of consumers.

Project duration
January–December 2015

Project promoter
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

Project partners
The New School for Social Research, New York

Project coordinator within the NLL (unit, department)
Centre of Formation and Development of Information Resources, Acquisition Department

Project funding source, value (EUR)
The project is sponsored by numerous foundations: The Carnegie Corporation of New York, The MacArthur Foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, The Ford Foundation, The Samuel Rubin Foundation, The Christopher Reynolds Foundation, The Newman's Own Foundation, The Open Society Foundation (OSF), The Soros Foundation, Rockefeller Financial Services, The Andrew Mellon Foundation, United States Information Agency, The Smith Richardson Foundation, The Eurasia Foundation, and other private sponsors. In 2004, a total of 20 names of periodicals were received for the approximate amount of EUR 5,000.

Introduction of the project
Implemented since 1991, this ongoing project is aimed at scholar and academic libraries of the USSR and former countries of the socialist camp and developing countries that seek to restore their collections of scholarly journals and supplement them with Western publications issued in the English language. As part of implementing this project, each year the names of received journals are revised (their number varies), and the priority is given to social science journals. The project is of critical importance due to its ongoing nature and it also facilitates effective selection of sources of information and contributes to effective organization of information dissemination based on relevant and valuable journals of Western countries.

Responsible person
Loreta Čepulienė, senior librarian for acquisition of foreign documents at the Acquisition Department, Centre of Formation and Development of Information Resources, tel. (+370 5) 239 8612, e-mail l.cepuliene@lnb.lt