Dr. Arida Riaubienė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8638
She graduated in Librarianship and Bibliography from Vilnius University in 1994, where she studied with Prof. Audronė Glosienė (1958–2009), Prof. Osvaldas Janonis (1948–2020) and Prof. Domas Kaunas.
The scope of her research interests includes publishing, distribution and censorship of books in the interwar Lithuania (1918–1940) as well as sources at the National Library. She participates in the activities of the Egodocument Selections Study Group. In her research, she applies historical descriptive methods as well as those of critical analysis of sources and literature. Currently her main research is related to the transcription of fragments from the 1923 diary of Matas Šalčius preserved at the National Library’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Unit and preparation of an article about this diary. The purpose of the article is to enrich factual knowledge about politicians, diplomats and social figures of the interwar Lithuania (1918–1940). The publication of fragments from the 1923 diary of Matas Šalčius could help expand knowledge about historical and political events during the time period under investigation. She has also undertaken preparatory work as regards the compilation of a catalogue of the personal library of the writer Ieva Simonaitytė.