Dr. Rasa Januševičienė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8671
She graduated in Librarianship and Bibliography from Vilnius University in 1989. From this University, she also obtained a masters degree in Management of Libraries and Information Centres (in 2000) and a doctorate degree (in 2005).
Her interests focus on the theory of information and communication sciences, notably librarianship. The scope of her research includes library services for various target groups, accessibility of library services by the visually and otherwise impaired, persons with reading difficulties and those experiencing social exclusion as well as the demand and possibilities for the improvement of library services. In her research, she mainly applies sociological methods.
She has undertaken the study „Impact of “COVID-19 on Lithuanian libraries” the purpose of which is to determine changes in library performance under extreme circumstances. The study, begun in 2020, applied a questionnaire method, allowed showing libraries’ civil responsibility, prompt reaction to changes and flexibility during the pandemics. Subsequently the study will use a complex of methods: analysis of statistical data, case study, monitoring, etc.