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Baranauskaitė-Dangovienė, Goda

Goda Baranauskaitė-Dangovienė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8564
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

She graduated in Lithuanian Philology from Vilnius University in 2016 (a graduate thesis on dystopian literature for teenagers; supervisor Assoc. Prof. Kęstutis Urba). From the same University, she obtained a master‘s degree in Anthropology and Culture in 2020 (a graduate thesis on the literature for urban teenagers; supervisor Dr. Jurgita Raškevičiūtė-Andriukonienė).

Her interests are in the modern children’s and teenagers’ literature, notably the recent phenomena within this literature domain, as well as reading habits of children and young people and related issues, notably early reading habits.

Currently she is initiating a study of demands by Lithuanian librarians and educators regarding children’s and youth literature and the preparation of methodological aids. The study’s purpose is to investigate what information related to children’s and youth literature Lithuanian professionals involved in reading habits of children and young people are lacking as well as to prepare the required methodological aids which would help solve this problem. The demand arose after it was observed that specialists, especially educators at pre-school establishments, are not consistently provided information on these issues. 

She also contributes to the joint study “Periodical publications for children and young people during the Soviet period: between ideology and aesthetics”, which analyses the relation between the ideological and artistic narrative.

  • BARANAUSKAITĖ-DANGOVIENĖ, Goda. Visi mes – drumsti vandenys. Rubinaitis, 2020, Nr. 3, p. 37–39. ISSN 1392-0626.
  • BARANAUSKAITĖ-DANGOVIENĖ, Goda. Braidymas po klampynes ieškant žaltvykslių : (2018 m. lietuvių autorių pasakų ir kitokios išmonės knygų apžvalga). Rubinaitis, 2019, Nr. 1, p. 10–17. ISSN 1392-0626.
  • BARANAUSKAITĖ, Goda. Kas yra distopija?. Rubinaitis, 2017, Nr. 1, p. 2–5. ISSN 1392-0626.