Milda Myštautaitė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8690
She graduated in Lithuanian Philology from the Vilnius University of Educational Sciences in 2006. Her job functions include the production and editing of bibliographic records for Lithuanian serials published before 1940 in Lithuania and abroad and presenting them in the National Bibliographic Data Bank. Together with her colleagues, she is involved in the preparation of the national bibliography, namely of the publication Lietuvos bibliografija. Serija B. Periodiniai leidiniai lietuvių kalba, 1823–1940. D. 2. Rankraštiniai ir dauginimo priemonėmis spausdinti periodiniai leidiniai (“The Lithuanian National Bibliography. Series B. Lithuanian Serials, 1823–1940. P.2. Manuscript Serials and Serials Produced by Using Duplicating Devices”). In order to make the work comprehensive, there is constant search for undiscovered or unknown documents at memory institutions, analysis of various written and electronic sources, survey of relevant material and collecting of new bibliographic data necessary for the aggregation of the National Bibliographic Data Bank and of the data for the publication under preparation.