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Plechavičiūtė, Asta

Asta Plechavičiūtė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8564
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

In 2001, she obtained a master’s degree in Lithuanian Literature (Children’s Literature) from Vilnius University (the graduate thesis “The fairy tales by Salomėja Nėris”; supervisor Assoc. Prof. Kęstutis Urba.

Currently she is involved in the study “Periodical publications for children and young people during the Soviet period: between ideology and aesthetics”, the purpose of which is to investigate the role of the ideological narrative in periodical publications and the share of artistic expression and literary text in periodicals (newspapers and magazines), their focus on popularising the writers’ creative work and the share of ideologically engaged creative art in them.

  • PLECHAVIČIŪTĖ, Asta. Kontraversiškos vertės apysaka. Rubinaitis, 2005, Nr. 4, p. 19–21. ISSN 1392-0626.
  • PLECHAVIČIŪTĖ, Asta. Viena baisi S. Nėries pasaka : straipsnis parengtas 2002 gruodžio 19 d. „Prano Mašioto skaitymuose“ skaityto pranešimo pagrindu. Gimtasis žodis, 2003, Nr. 6, p. 7–11. ISSN 0235-7151.
  • PLECHAVIČIŪTĖ, Asta; Urba, Kęstutis. Baisiai gražios pasakos. Iš: Lietuvių pasakos. 2-oji laida. Vilnius : Gimtasis žodis, 2003, p. 180–189. ISBN 9955-512-27-X.
  • PLECHAVIČIŪTĖ, Asta. Ar pamotės ir podukros konfliktas amžinas? : (L. Dovydėno „Pamotė ir podukra“). Rubinaitis, 2000, Nr. 3, p. 7–10. ISSN 1392-0626.