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Dulinskienė, Jūratė

Jūratė Dulinskienė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8562
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 She graduated in Chemistry from Vilnius University in 1982 and in 2001, from the Cultural Asset Conservation Course within the Special Professional Study Programme (Chemistry) and obtained the professional qualification of a cultural asset technologist. Her professional qualification categories in cultural asset restoration are the first category of an expert in document restoration and the first category of a technologist in restoration. Since 1992, she has been a restorer at the Document Conservation and Restoration Unit of the National Library’s Information Resources Department.

Her main professional activities include restoration and conservation of the Library’s long-term preservation documents, analysis of documents being restored and materials used for their restoration as well as consulting restorers on the use of chemical compounds. She is interested in issues of conservation of documents containing ink with transition metal ions and / or dyes. She also lectures staff members of Lithuanian libraries on issues of collection care.

Currently she carries out research on determining the amount of alkaline compounds in paper alkalinised by applying different methods and change of this amount after the paper’s artificial aging. The purpose of the research is to draw conclusions which would help select a proper methodology for restoring a particular document.

  • DULINSKIENĖ, Jūratė; Udrienė, Dalia. Conservation of pianola rolls boxes. The 12th Baltic States Triennial Conservators’ Meeting “ Dilemmas. Solutions”. Vilnius, 2020.
  • DULINSKIENĖ, Jūratė ir kt. Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos restauratorių kasdienybė ir atradimai. Iš: Restauravimo slėpiniai: kūrinių kelias į gyvajį meno vertybių pasaulį : Lietuvos restauratorių konferencijos pranešimų rinkinys, Vilnius, 2016 m. rugsėjo 7–8 d. Vilnius: Lietuvos dailės muziejus, 2016, p. 39–42. ISBN 978-609-426-084-1.
  • DULINSKIENĖ, Jūratė ir kt. The evaluation of efficiency of two antioxidant treatment techniques on ageing resistance of inked paper. The 10th Baltic States Restorerʼs Triennial “Seeking Balance: Preservation, Use, Conservation”. Riga, 2014.
  • Ložytė, Elona Marija; DULINSKIENĖ, Jūratė. Knygai grąžinta prarasta tapatybė. Tarp knygų, 2013, Nr. 5 (gegužė), p. 16–19. ISSN 0868-8826.
  • DULINSKIENĖ, Jūratė. Possibilities for the conservation of copper pigment-corroded documents. The 9th Baltic States Triennial Restorer’s Meeting “Synthesis of Art and Science in Conservation: Trends and Achievements”. Vilnius, 2011.