Račkauskaitė, Vilma
Vilma Račkauskaitė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8648
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She graduated in Librarianship and Bibliography from Vilnius University in 1991. Since that year, she has been a staff member of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (mainly as a bibliographer). In 2001/05, she was preparing biobibliographies for the section “Our calendar” of the magazine Tarp knygų.
Currently she participates in the working group on the updating of a methodology for the production of analytical bibliographic records and in the compilation of a bibliographic index of the writer and philosopher Vydūnas.
- RAČKAUSKAITĖ, Vilma (sudaryt., ats. red.). Romualdas Ozolas : bibliografijos rodyklė. Vilnius: Petro ofsetas: Romualdo Ozolo paramos fondas, 2018. 351 p. ISBN 978-609-420-626-9.
- RAČKAUSKAITĖ, Vilma ir kt. (sudaryt.). Meilė Lukšienė : bibliografijos rodyklė, 1937–2013. Vilnius: Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, 2014. 222 p. ISBN 978-609-405-099-2.
- RAČKAUSKAITĖ, Vilma ir kt. (sudaryt.). Antanas Strazdas (1760 03 09–1833 04 23) : biobibliografija. Prieiga per inernetą: https://lnb.lt/atradimai/kiti-istekliai/biobibliografijos/948-strazdas-antanas.