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Derenčienė, Rasa

Rasa Derenčienė
Phone (8 5) 239 8675
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

She obtained a master’s degree in Lithuanian Philology (Lithuanian Literary Criticism) from Vytautas Magnus University in 1996 and a master’s degree (Programme of Religion Studies) from Vilnius University in 2010. Since 2018, a staff member of the National Library (prior to that, she had been a press journalist). She is interested in bibliotherapy as well as projects for reading promotion and innovative cultural projects. By her initiative, a reader’s club with the focus on bibliotherapy, the meetings of which she has been successfully conducting for three years together with her colleague Daiva Janavičienė, has been established at the National Library.

Since 2021, she has been cooperating with the Kaunas Municipality Vincas Kudirka Public Library in implementing the international project “European Emotion Libraries” under the EU’s Creative Europe Programme 2014–2020“. The National Library is this project’s partner. The project’s task is to select and evaluate fiction books in order to allow readers to choose them for their matching certain emotions. It is an experimental project for reading promotion having the purpose to promote inclusion by invoking culture.

  • DERENČIENĖ, Rasa; Janavičienė, Daiva. Biblioterapijai rekomenduojamos knygos. Šiandien aktualu, 2020, Nr. 1, p. 186–190. ISSN 1392-1428.