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Sivakova, Birutė

Dr. Birutė Sivakova
Phone: (8 5) 239 8572
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A senior restorer and document restoration expert at the Document Conservation and Restoration Unit of the National Library’s Information Resources Department. She graduated in Chemistry from Vilnius University in 1979. From this University, she obtained a doctorate degree in Chemistry in 2010 (the dissertation “The investigation of the degradation of inked paper and the evaluation of new conservation techniques”; supervisor Prof. Dr. Aldona Beganskienė).

She is interested in issues of written heritage preservation. The scope of her research involves reasons for the degradation of long-term preservation paper documents and the possibilities of stabilising paper by using alkaline compounds and antioxidants.

Currently she is involved in the study for determining the amount of alkaline material inserted during different alkalisation procedures and changes of this amount after the paper’s artificial aging.

She has published more than 20 articles on issues of conservation, restoration and care of library and archives collections.

  • SIVAKOVA, Birutė; Keraitė, Greta; Klimkevičius, Vaidas. Stabilization effect of interleaves with different content of KBr on thermally aged papers with iron gall ink. The 12th Baltic States Triennial Conservators’ Meeting “ Dilemmas. Solutions”. Vilnius, 2020.
  • Keraitė, Greta; SIVAKOVA, Birutė; Kiuberis, Jonas. Investigation of the impact of organic and inorganic halides on the ageing stability of paper with iron gall ink. Chemija, vol. 28, no. 3, (2017), p. 137–147. ISSN 0235-7216.
  • SIVAKOVA, Birutė ir kt. Investigation of impact of stabilization system APTES/KI on ageing resistance of inked paper. Medžiagotyra, vol. 15, no. 4 (2009), p. 311–315. ISSN 1392-1320.
  • SIVAKOVA, Birutė; Beganskienė, Aldona; Kareiva, Aivaras. Investigation of damaged paper by ink corrosion. Medžiagotyra, vol. 14, no. 1 (2008), p. 51–54. ISSN 1392-1320.