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Media Makerspace

A space in the National Library dedicated to personal, non-commercial projects related to various media: sound, image, software code, 3D modelling or virtual reality. Visitors come to us to develop photos, digitize photo films, create and edit audio recordings, work on programming projects, digitize audio and video cassettes, create and test virtual reality projects.

In the workshop, you will have to work independently, but you can get technical help from our curators.

The makerspace is wheelchair accessible. It is meant for quiet work, so there is rarely any noise.

What do we have at Media Makerspace?

Makerspace has 6 different spaces with individual workplaces, computers adapted to various activities: scanning photo films, editing video and audio files, programming, and creating 3D graphics or virtual reality projects.  There is a photo lab, and equipment for viewing and listening to film tapes, video and audio cassettes. Also, a space for creating projects using Arduinos and other microcontrollers, and testing various sensors and accessories.

You may also use equipment from PATS SAU Makerspace: 3D printer, vinyl cutter, heat press, laser cutter and other tools if your project requires.


  • Registration is required to use the Media Makerspace.
  • We cannot guarantee a free workplace for those who arrive without a prior reservation.

Opening hours


  • Mon-Fri 12.00–19.00
  • Sat-Sun 12.00–18.00

We are closed on February 27–28!


  • Mon-Fri 10.00–18.00
  • Sat-Sun –

We always announce opening-hour changes on our Facebook.

Contact info

Phone (0 5) 239 8580
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Follow us on Facebook

Media Makerspace is located in the basement of the National Library, Room 001 (Gedimino pr. 51, Vilnius).
Information about Media Makerspace is also available at PATS SAU Makerspace, Room 114.