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10 January 2020

Survey results show a steady increase in the number of loyal National Library users

In 2019, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania conducted a quantitative Net Promoter Score (NPS®) survey to find out what proportion of the library users are satisfied with the National Library’s services and tend to recommend them to others. To summarize the data on the library’s services, different aspects and means of customer service as well as the overall ranking of the library’s services, it can be concluded that the library’s Net Promoter Score was 88.5 out of 100 percent in 2019.

“The survey results have shown that the number of the loyal users of the National Library has been on a steady rise and that the number of those who have neutral or negative attitude towards the library has been decreasing. The results of this survey will help us enhance our library’s services both in terms of planning its activities in the near future and establishing their priorities,” said Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, Director General of the National Library, explaining the positive aspects of the survey results.

The library’s Net Promoter Score is calculated using the NPS® score methodology based on the assumption that customers (users) can be grouped into three main categories: promoters (9-10 scores), neutrals (7-8 scores) and detractors (0-6 scores).

The proportion of the National Library’s promoters increased to as much as 88 percent in 2019. They are satisfied with the library’s services and tend to recommend them to others. Meanwhile 9 percent of the library users are neutrals who are, in principle, satisfied with the library’s services but have reasons to be doubtful of the quality of some of the library’s services, and 3 percent of them are distractors who are not satisfied with the library services and tend to spread negative word-of-mouth.

The data from the sample of 412 respondents who participated in the survey on a voluntary basis painted the following statistical portrait of a loyal National Library user in 2019: women between the ages of 20 and 29 with a higher education degree, childless, living in Vilnius, single, sharing a household with a partner, pursuing studies / working as a specialist in a privately-owned company, earning a monthly salary of EUR 1,501, and accessing most of the information about the National Library’s activities, services and events via the internet or social media sites.

The survey also highlighted the best aspects of the library’s services as well as those that received lower satisfaction ratings.

The following were the three top-ranked aspects of the library’s services in the 2019 survey: library premises, events (exhibitions, meetings, discussions) and customer service quality (customer-friendliness, provision of information, etc.).

The dynamics of the Customer Satisfaction Score of the National Library in 2015–2019

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
88.5 % 75.4 % 87.7 % 83.4 % 76.5 %

The dynamics of the Net Promoter Score in 2015–2019

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
85 % 73 % 72 % 63 % 35 %

The National Library has been analysing the statistical portrait of its users since 2015. It conducts surveys to find out the level of user satisfaction / dissatisfaction with the services provided by the library as well their recommendations for improving specific fields of the library's activities. The surveys used the methodology recommended by the Ministry of Culture.