Telefonas Klaustukas Gestu kalba Sitemap
25 May 2020

The Most Relevant Information About Resumed Activities of the Library

The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania guarantees compliance with all the requirements for safety and disinfection of the public premises set by the Government and, therefore, its traditional physical services are provided with restrictions that apply until 31st May. We expect awareness and responsibility from the part of the visitors.

Relevant information:

  • Visitors are allowed to enter and stay inside only with protective face masks; wearing gloves is recommended. It is strictly not permitted to remove the mask when inside. Consuming food and beverages is not permitted at the Library.
  • At the Library’s entrance, temperature of all visitors is checked (with thermoviser or with non-contact thermometer). Visitors with the temperature exceeding 37.3 C as well as having signs of upper respiratory disease (e.g. fever, cold, sneeze, breathing difficulties) are denied entry.
  • We recommend to order books online and, if appropriate, by the phones (8 5) 249 7028 and (8 5) 249 7013 (from the Leisure Reading Collection and the General Collection) and (8 5) 239 8563 (from the Collection of the Children‘s and Youth Literature Department) or at the Library. We recommend first to order the books and go to the Library after you receive the notification about the resolving of your order. The late charge for overdue items is suspended during the entire quarantine period and for three weeks after its termination.
  • Service provision complies with the requirement to secure a distance of no less than 2 meters between persons and/or groups of persons and no less than 5 square meter space per one visitor. Only groups of no more than 5 people are allowed to visit the Library (with the exception of close relatives, adoptive parents, adopted children and guardians).
  • Services in the Rare Books and Manuscripts Reading Room and those of the Judaica Research Centre are provided only after registering by e-mail and arriving at the indicated time (additional information). The duration of one visit is no longer than 2 hours.
  • In the Meeting Rooms and the Music Space, groups of no more than 5 persons are allowed to be present and in the Sound Recording Studio, only groups of 4 persons.
  • Visitors are asked to pay for services with bank cards.
  • Visitors are served by staff equipped with all protective tools; their health status and fitness for job tasks is severely checked.
  • The environmental rehabilitation and disinfection is performed in line with the Recommendations on the Disinfection at Health-Care Institutions and on Non-Health-Care Premises (with Possible Contamination with the SARS-COV-2 Virus). During the disinfection, visitors are not serviced.
  • The returned books are put to quarantine for 24 hours.

Opening hours: 10–19 on Monday–Friday and 10–18 on Saturdays and Sundays.

This information and service provision may be changing in line with orders of the Government and official recommendations or if the practical need arises to revise it. All relevant information will be published on the Library‘s website in real time. We also invite visitors to use the National Library’s remote services.

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