Telefonas Klaustukas Sitemap
  • 12 April 2019

    Discussion on the Crimean Crime consequences for international law and politics


    On 11 April, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania held a discussion entitled “Crimean Crime Consequences for International Law and Politics”. The basis of the discussion was a 2017 book The Case of Crimea’s Annexation under International Law. A few years ago this collection of documents was published by the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding (Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia), the Polish Institute of Legal Sciences (Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk), and Scholar Publishing House.

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  • 9 April 2019

    Presidential debates and follow-up discussion held at the National Library


    Presidential debates held late on Monday at Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania offered the most popular presidential candidates, Gitanas Nausėda, Ingrida Šimonytė and Saulius Skvernelis, the opportunity to discuss foreign and defence policy as well as the legal system and allowed them to ask one another questions. The audience gathered at the National Library’s Conference Hall included staff of embassies residing in Lithuania, representatives of the election teams, politics experts, and other public figures.

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  • 26 March 2019

    National Library offers a glimpse into The Other Worlds of Werner Herzog

    Nacionalinėje bibliotekoje pristatyti „Wernerio Herzogo pasauliai“

    26.03.2019 – 28.04.2019

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  • 25 March 2019

    National Library Opens Spring Exhibition 2019

    Visitors are welcome to explore the exhibition of the works by fifteen students of Vilnius Academy of Arts (VAA) which is held at Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania until 28 April. The event is based on the open public exhibition of the works created by the students of the Department of Sculpture organised every winter where students of all levels present their work, all in one space. The selection of the artists and their works for this exhibition was not confined to such criteria as the same year of study, same underlying topic or artistic style. According to the exhibition architect, Gediminas G. Akstinas, different experiences and styles of the artists come together in an unexpected yet harmonious way once they are arranged in the same space.

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  • 25 March 2019

    Francophone Film Weekend held at the National Library

    On 23 and 24 of March, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania held a Francophone film festival which brought together dozens of people who love or are involved in the French language, French-speaking countries and their cultures. The festival saw the screening of as many as 9 films which represented different countries: Moldova, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Romania, and the Czech Republic. The representatives of the embassies of the francophone countries to Lithuania gave their welcome addresses and introduced the attendees to the films reflecting their countries. The Francophone Film Weekend is just one part of the broader National Library programme dedicated to celebrating International Francophonie Day. This day has been celebrated since 1990 and symbolises peace, unity and solidarity among the nations.

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  • 19 March 2019

    22 March – 28 April: Spring Exhibition 2019

    Spring Exhibition 2019

    The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania would like to invite you to Spring Exhibition 2019, which will present works of students from the Department of Sculpture at the Vilnius Academy of Arts (VAA). The reference point for this exhibition is the annual open critique and review sessions of the Department of Sculpture, which allow audiences to see student works from all years in one space. Based on the model of those review sessions, the artworks on display at this exhibition are not limited by selection criteria such as year, theme or artistic direction. Curated with the students of the VAA Department of Sculpture, the Spring Exhibition 2019 provides an opportunity to see the works of fifteen authors that are distinctive for the consistent creative approach, ideas and aesthetic execution. In addition to this, the exhibition also shines a light on the collaboration between two educational institutions, revealing not only their ways of operating, but also what is fated to be unseen. In a certain sense, the situation of this exhibition is akin to a geological map, a diagram of a cross-section of the earth’s crust showing the uncovered geological layers and indicating what maybe lies beneath the surface.

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  • 8 February 2019

    20–22 February: conference “Everyday Life History and its Approaches to Writing the History of Twentieth-Century Europe”

    20–22 Februrary: conference “Everyday Life History and its Approaches to Writing the History of Twentieth-Century Europe”

    German Historical Institute Warsaw and its branch office in Vilnius organize a conference “Everyday Life History and its Approaches to Writing the History of Twentieth-Century Europe”. The conference will take place at Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania.

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  • 18 January 2019

    30 January – 10 February: exhibition “To Me There’s No Other Choice”

    30 January – 10 February: exhibition “To Me There’s No Other Choice”

    In commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 January), Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania holds the exhibition entitled “To Me There’s No Other Choice” organized by the Swedish Institute. It is dedicated to Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg who has been designated as a Righteous Among the Nations. In 1944, this Swedish diplomat worked in the Nazi-occupied Hungary and saved thousands of Hungarian Jews by distributing certificates of protection to Jews and providing shelter to them in the buildings which came under the Swedish jurisdiction. After the Red Army seized Budapest in 1945, Wallenberg was arrested by the KGB and subsequently disappeared, never to be heard from again. It is believed that he died in the KGB Moscow prison in 1947.

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  • 16 January 2019

    National Library Opens Exhibition “Encounters. NYLA Portraits”

    Nacionalinėje bibliotekoje atidaryta paroda „Sutikti. NYLA portretai“

    “It’s always an achievement to meet a fellow human being,” said one of the organizers, Karolis Vyšniauskas, at the opening of the podcast exhibition, probably the first of its kind in Lithuania, set in the dimly lit Exhibition Hall of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. He is a co-editor and host of Nanook, the team of media professionals creating new-generation Lithuanian journalism.

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  • 11 January 2019

    “De horribilibus monstris”: Fantastic Animals at the Library

    23 January – 17 March: “De horribilibus monstris”: Fantastic Animals at the Library

    23.01.2019 – 17.03.2019

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  • 8 January 2019

    15 January – 15 March: exhibition “Meeting Minds. NYLA portraits”

    Exhibition “Meeting Minds. NYLA portraits”

    “Journalism, like no other profession, is special in the way it allows you to meet another person. A microphone changes the atmosphere between two strangers. They start talking,” said the organizers of the exhibition, the Nanook team of media professionals creating new-generation Lithuanian journalism.  They invite everyone interested in the socio-political situation and communication to visit the Exhibition Hall of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania.

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  • 21 December 2018

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Dear All,

    It is through our joint efforts that we have succeeded in enhancing the visibility, voice and reputation of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania during this anniversary year. We have proved that we possess immense potential for change and growth. We have accomplished a great deal so far and achieved positive changes.

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  • 11 December 2018

    National Library held discussions on cultural diplomacy

    National Library held discussions on cultural diplomacy

    “I do not see any programme or strategy for protecting our spiritual oceans with its fauna and all the life in them,” said Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis, Chairman of the Supreme Council – Reconstituent Seimas and former factual Head of State, at the international conference “The National Library’s Role in Cultural Diplomacy”. He suggested holding events on this broad and relevant topic at least once a month, if not every week.

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  • 7 December 2018

    New books in foreign languages that you can take home

    Naujos knygos užsienio kalbomis, kurias galite skaityti namie

    A few dozens of new additions in English and Russian languages have arrived on the shelves of the Leisure Books To Borrow collection at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. Sapiens and Homo Deus by Y. N. Harari and Vegetarian by H. Kang are among the most talked-about books so far this year. Rupi Kaur’s Milk and Honey is a début collection of poetry by an Indian-born Canadian poet. This internationally acclaimed and New York Times best-selling book has stirred up a storm in social media and has been translated into 35 languages including Lithuanian. Legal thrillers by J. Nesbo and J. Grisham are perfect for those who like unexpected plot twists, while classic literature lovers will enjoy the works by R. Bradbury, V. Woolf, G. Orwell, M. Attwood, E. M. Remarque, H. Balzac, or V. Nabokov.

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  • 28 November 2018

    National Library Celebrates Anniversary of Grammar of the Slavic Language

    National Library Celebrates Anniversary of Grammar of the Slavic Language

    The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania hosted a celebration of the 400-year anniversary of Grammar of the Slavic Language (Букварь языка славенска). According to the organiser of the event, the Belarusian embassy in Lithuania, 2018 marked an important event in the history of the work – the completion of its publication in facsimile as part of an international research and publication project.

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  • 22 November 2018

    Authority records created in Lithuania are part of the VIAF system

    Lietuvoje kuriami autoritetiniai įrašai – VIAF sistemos dalis

    While implementing one of its most important strategical objectives of being a reliable partner in developing access to knowledge and information, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania has signed an agreement with OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) for becoming a participant of the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) system. The main goal of the VIAF system is to link authority records from national bibliographic agencies from across the globe into a shared public-access system for searching nationally or regionally approved forms of authority records that meet the needs of all global users for using records in desired language variations, character set, and spelling. VIAF participants include national libraries and other organizations in 38 countries responsible for the creation of national authority records since 1998.

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  • 16 November 2018

    Opening hours on the 23rd of November

    Dear visitors, on the 23rd of November the National Library is closing at 3 p.m.

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  • 8 November 2018

    12 November – 3 December: Exhibition “We want to be free, we will be free!”

    Exhibition “We want to be free, we will be free!”

    The exhibition of historical records “We want to be free, we will be free!” is dedicated to the formation of the State of Latvia. In exhibition, which is held at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, you can also explore Latvia’s neighbor countries Lithuania and Estonia, Poland and Finland, which were founded or reinstated after World War I and also celebrate their centenaries in 2017–2018.

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  • 8 November 2018

    8 November – 5 December: Exhibition “Reflections in a Shattered Mirror”

    8 November – 5 December: Exhibition “Reflections in a Shattered Mirror”

    We invite you to visit the National Library Judaica Research Centre's exhibition “Reflections in a Shattered Mirror” dedicated to the Centenary of the Restored State of Lithuania.

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  • 2 November 2018

    The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden Had a Chance to See Unique Items from Judaica Exhibition

    The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden Had a Chance to See Unique Items from Judaica Exhibition

    On 2 November, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden Maria Christina Lundqvist paid a visit to the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. The guest was intrigued by the library’s Judaica collection as well as Vilna Collections Project implemented in cooperation with YIVO Institute in New York, both of which have received substantial coverage in the Lithuania and foreign media. The Ambassador visited the Reading Room and YIVO space at the Judaica Research Centre where she had the opportunity to explore the centre’s latest stand exhibition titled “Reflections in a Shattered Mirror”.

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