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  • 2 October 2018

    10 October – 9 November: Photography Exhibition “This is Vilnius”

    Photography Exhibition “This is Vilnius”

    The project “This is Vilnius” started back in 2014 as the author’s personal blog on Facebook, and today it has nearly 7,000 followers. The project aims to capture the city of Vilnius, to tell alternative stories of the city, and to raise public awareness of the fine-art/investigative/documentary genre of photography. The personal exhibition by photographer Andrejus Vasilenko displayed at the National Library is the first presentation of the project in the city of Vilnius.

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  • 1 October 2018

    International Conference in Baku

    International Conference in Baku

    On 27–28 September, the National Library of Azerbaijan hosted an international conference “Innovations in National Libraries as the Basis of Changes and the Direction of Development” dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the library. During its plenary session, Prof. Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas, Director General of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, gave a presentation entitled “National Library of Lithuania – Modern State Memory Institution”. The presentation provided an overview of the National Library’s strategy to be achieved by 2020, its activities and projects under implementation. The greatest emphasis was placed on the innovativeness of the projects implemented by the National Library. The conference focused on the experiences of the national libraries of Lithuania, Qatar and Turkey.

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  • 14 September 2018

    Lithuanian Library Experts Shared Experience with the Representatives of the National Library of Moldova

    Moldovos nacionalinės bibliotekos atstovai sėmėsi patirties Lietuvoje

    On 10–14 September, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania hosted a meeting with a delegation from the National Library of the Republic of Moldova. The delegation members included specialists of different fields.  This visit is part of the project “Institution: National Library – Potential and Opportunities”.  The project aims to strengthen cooperation with the National Library of Moldova, to share experiences of implementing library activities and creating library services at the Lithuanian National Library by promoting knowledge society.

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  • 13 September 2018

    Representatives of Diplomatic Missions in Lithuania got a glimpse into the restoration secrets of the Acropolis of Athens at the National Library

    Lietuvoje reziduojantys diplomatai Nacionalinėje bibliotekoje gilinosi į Atėnų akropolio restauravimo paslaptis

    The representatives of diplomatic missions in Lithuania gathered for an event at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania on Wednesday evening. Upon the invitation of the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic in Lithuania Dr. Vassiliki Dicopoulou, the library hosted the opening of the photography exhibition entitled “Records in Memory: Recalling Moments of the Propylaea Restoration” currently on display at the National Library and a lecture titled “The Acropolis of Athens. The Process of the Monuments’ Protection” by Vasiliki Eleftheriou, Architect, Engineer, and Director of the Acropolis Restoration Service, Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports.

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  • 13 September 2018

    Gifts from the Embassy of Armenia to the National Library

    Tigran Mkrtchyan, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia, paid a visit to the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. 

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  • 12 September 2018

    The National Library Prepares to Commemorate its 100th Year Anniversary and Presents its Representation Video

    An important year approaches for the National Library’s community: the library will soon mark its 100th year anniversary.  In preparation to commemorate its centenary in 2019, today the library publicly introduced its new representation video.  The video was screened today to the entire library community during the lunch break. 

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  • 11 September 2018

    12 September: The Athenian Acropolis. The process of the monuments’ protection

    The Athenian Acropolis. The process of the monuments’ protection

    The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania invites you to participate in the lecture hosted by Vasiliki Eleftheriou, Architect Engineer, Director of the Acropolis Restoration Service, Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports.The lecture will present the architecture and the construction of the monuments, especially of the Parthenon, the damages and their causes, and will focus on the principles, the methodology and the results of the current restoration.

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  • 4 September 2018

    84th IFLA Congress and General Assembly: Inform, Reform, Transform

    84-oji IFLA konferencija ir generalinė asamblėja

    The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Congress and General Assembly that took place in August 24–30 in Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur closed with the motto “Inform, Reform, Transform”.  The conference brought together more than 3,500 delegates from over 110 countries and saw over 250 open sessions and seminars with more than 600 speakers and announcements.  IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmeró’s address summed up the highlights of this year’s conference: “We are the beginning of a movement... We are building a better world. Not only with nice words but through concrete steps to build a stronger, more inclusive ILFA. A trusted voice, a strong voice, a reference point for us all.” During the conference in Kuala Lumpur, the leading organization that brings together representatives of the library field presented a new organizational strategy which will ensure its sustainable development, a new IFLA governance structure and changes in the library field. 

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  • 30 August 2018

    3–20 September: exhibition “The Lighting Memory”

    Naujienos iliustracija

    Lithuania will host European Jewish Culture Days during the first week of autumn.   For this occasion, the Judaica Research Centre of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania invites you to visit the exhibition “Lighting Memory” dedicated to the poet Avrom Sutskever (Abraham Sutzkever).  The author of the first published memoir of Vilnius ghetto and participant of anti-Nazi Resistance contributed to the flourishing of Jewish Vilnius and provided testimony of its destruction by immortalizing it in our memory.

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  • 26 August 2018

    Focus on Judaic Documentary Heritage at the National Library on the Last Day of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Visit to Lithuania

    After the historic forum of the Israeli and Baltic prime ministers which took place at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania on 24 August, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned to the library on Sunday, 26 August, for yet another, slightly more emotional meeting – an introduction to the Judaica Research Centre of the National Library’s Documentary Heritage Research Department (DHRD) and its unique collection of Jewish books and manuscripts. This stop had not been included in the official itinerary of the visit and was organised at the personal request of the prime minister, who proudly calls himself a litvak and is exceptionally interested in the past and present of the Jewish community of Lithuania and Vilnius. Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah were accompanied to the Judaica Research Centre by the Israeli ambassador to Lithuania, Amir Maimon, the Lithuanian ambassador to Israel, Edminas Bagdonas, the Lithuanian minister of foreign affairs, Linas Linkevičius, chairwoman of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Faina Kuklianski, and journalists from both Israel and Lithuania.

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  • 24 August 2018

    Prime Minister of Israel Meets the Prime Ministers of the Baltic States at the National Library

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues his historic visit to Lithuania. Today, after a meeting with President Dalia Grybauskaitė at the Presidential Palace, the Israeli prime minister and members of his delegation arrived at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania for an informal meeting with the three prime ministers of the Baltic states.

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  • 12 August 2018

    National Library Took Part in the Cultural Programme of the Locarno International Film Festival

    The Locarno Festival, one of the most famous film festivals in the world, was held in Switzerland between 1–11 August 2018. The following Lithuanian films were included in the festival programme: Acid Forest (Rūgštus miškas), a documentary by director Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Caucasus (Kaukazas) by director Laurynas Bareiša, and Trote (Risčia, director Xacio Baño), a Spain-Lithuania production.  The event also included a presentation of other projects representing Lithuanian culture. A well-known Swiss gallery owner and art collector Arminio Sciolli organized an event entitled “10 Days in Lithuania” in Locarno at the beginning of August. It was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the restoration of Lithuania’s independence.

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  • 31 July 2018

    Greek Ambassador Visits the National Library

    Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Vilnius collaborating with National Library of Lithuania will present photographic exhibition, where is shown the unforgettable contribution of people to the restoration of a magnificent monument.

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  • 20 July 2018

    National Library Opens “Memento Mori” Exhibition

    Prof. Kęstutis Vasiliūnas, in partnership with the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, has announced the opening of the 8th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius which revolves around the topic “Memento Mori”.  This year the exhibition has invited artists to reflect not only on the theme of impending death but also on life.

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  • 20 July 2018

    30 July – 30 September: the photo exhibition „Records in Memory: Recalling moments of the Propylaia restoration“

    the photo exhibition „Records in Memory: Recalling moments of the Propylaia restoration“

    Have you ever thought what role people play in large restoration projects? Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Vilnius collaborating with National Library of Lithuania will present photographic exhibition, where is shown the unforgettable contribution of people to the restoration of a magnificent monument.

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  • 16 July 2018

    LiLaEst 2018 Marks 50th Year Anniversary of Friendship

    On 10–13 July an international gathering of the representatives of the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian national libraries, LiLaEst 2018, was held in the Niedras campsite in Dobele district, Latvia, which was dedicated both to commemorating the 100 years of independence of the three countries and to marking the 50th anniversary of their friendship. The first LiLaEst gathering was held in 1968 in Lielupe, Latvia.

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  • 5 July 2018

    19 July – 23 September: the exhibition “Memento Mori”

    The “8th International Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2018” is a continuous international educational project. The exhibitions held as part of this project are among the most important “Artist's Books” exhibitions both in Europe and globally. The triennial is relevant for both its participants and visitors for several reasons: primarily due to the particularly high level of quality of exhibits and also due to the increasing popularity of the “artist's book” as an interdisciplinary art which can be pursued by all kinds of artists, students and even children.

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  • 29 June 2018

    Opening Hours during July and August

    Please be informed that from July 1st to August 31st the National Library will switch to summer opening hours.

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  • 21 June 2018

    Visit of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research delegation

    On 20 June, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library was visited by a delegation from the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Every year, the delegation takes part in an international tour programme, officially known as the Lithuania & Poland Study Tour: exclusively for YIVO. Heading this initiative is Trinity College (USA) professor and good friend of the Judaica Research Centre, Samuel Kassow, who read a presentation on TheUniqueness of Jewish Vilnius during the opening of the centre in 2017.

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  • 20 June 2018

    Discussion on report of IFLA Global Vision project

    On 20 June, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania hosted a meeting-discussion, initiated by the National Library’s branch of the Lithuanian Librarians’ Association (LLA), aimed at discussing the report on the IFLA Global Vision project.

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